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My alarm always goes off after I'm awake and I'm forced to come running upstairs from my comfy spot on the couch to turn it off. You think I'd learn to just turn off the thing, but maybe I'm hoping that one day I'll actually sleep like a normal person. I'm kind of an insomniac. It's not that I don't like sleep, I do, but it's just hard for me. And I've came to terms with it. Disney plays the best shows from 1am to 5am anyways, all my favorite shows from my childhood.

"Good morning Caroline" My mother comes down the stairs in her slippers and pink fluffy robe. She pats my head as she walks to the kitchen to get some coffee.

I walk into the kitchen and glance at the clock above the oven, 8am, the time normal people wake up.

"Excited for today?"

"Yeah I can't wait for summer to come so I can sit on my butt all day watching Spongebob reruns and eating captain crunch"

"I can't believe your not excited for the last day of school!"

"It's not exciting when you have nothing to look forward to besides two months of an empty house and ramen noodles for lunch"

"You should try driving somewhere"

"I have no where to drive to"

"You have so many friends to hang out with do something with them!"

"Mom just stop you know why they don't invite me to hang out" Because I decline every time. Not because I hate my friends, but because I'm no fun and they do things I don't like. Like drink, party, and kiss boys. Scratch that I'd love to kiss a boy, but it seems boys have no interest in kissing me. And I can't handle hanging around him either, were supposed to be friends but then my stupid teenage hormones had to take over, ugh.

"I know the girls get a little wild, but what about Tallen? That'd be fun right?"

Hormones mom hormones. It's not fun falling for your guy friend.

"I'm gonna go get dressed mom" I said sprinting up the stairs. My mom always makes things so awkward.

"Ready for the big day Cara?" My dad asked pulling me into a tight hug.

"Yeah" I managed to gasp as he was squeezing my lungs.

"Alright!" He pulled away and gave me a thumbs up.

I continued to my room and into my sad excuse for a wardrobe. I threw on my usual t shirt and jeans and then went to my mirror, pulling my hair into a pony tail. I then put on some makeup, thank heavens for makeup, and deemed myself as "presentable". Which is great in my case.

I walked straight to the back of the bus and rode quietly to the next stop were Lilly and Ariana climbed on. "Caroline!" Ariana squeeled pulling me into a hug and plopped down next to me.

"Hey girlfriend!" Lilly waved from the seat across from us.

Soon Chloe joined Lilly and the gang was practically all here. Except for one guy. One cute guy.

"I'm thinking today is the day" Ariana whispered to me.

"For what?" Like I don't know she says this practically everyday.

"To tell him about your feelings!" Ariana tried to whisper.

"Not happening not today not tomorrow never. Theirs no day that I'll be ready to be rejected by Tallen"

"Who says you'll be rejected! You gotta get some confidence boo!" It's easy for Ariana to say, she's gorgeous. Compared to her I'm a potato. She has super tan skin and long Red hair. I have short choppy hair from many horrible hair cuts at the walmart salon. And my hair is a dull black color, not shiny but dull, ew. And her face is gorgeous to, pretty hazel eyes. My eyes are like lifeless pools of black water compared to hers. And I don't know, something about my face gives off a, go away, vibe to guys.

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