Chapter 1

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"Yes mom I have everything I need!"

"Are you sure?" My mom asks for the millionth time today.

We're currently at the airport ready to go to California and I gotta admit I'm kind of excited. But I can tell my moms nervous as hell. She's been asking me questions like, "are you sure you want to do this?" "You know you can stay home right?" And the simple but persistent, "are you sure you have everything?!" All the way here, and last night, and while we've been going through air port security.

"Caroline!!" Lilly waved at me from the gate where her, Ariana, Chloe, and *sigh* Tallen were waiting.

"Alright honey call me immediately when you land ok? As soon as you land"

"Ok mom I gotchu"

"All people boarding the flight from Kansas to California please come to the table by the gate so we can check your tickets and begin boarding"

"All right mom and dad I gotta go!"

"Have fun sweetie!" My dad pulled me into a bear hug, he was the most calm about this.

"I love you sweetie please be careful and don't get hurt ok?"

"Alright mom" I give her a hug and pull back to see tears are now forming in her eyes.

I take that as my que to leave and wave goodbye to my parents.

"Are you ready chicka?" Ariana asked.

"Ready as I'm gonna get"

"I'm so excited!! I even brought my special shot glass!" Lilly giggled, pulling out her "special glass" that was just a normal shot glass on a beaded necklace she got from New Orleans.

"You better not have any alcohol in there Lil" I said knowing that she probably did.

"Why? I got through security didn't I" She giggled.

What have I gotten myself into.

"Alright your seats are in first class you may board the plane now"

"Ooooo I'm a fancy bitch ta-day!" Chloe laughed as we walked to the plane.

"Your going to sit by Tallen ok?" Ariana whispered to me.

"What? NO!" I whispered back.

The first class seats were set up oddly. One side had three seats together and the other had two, oh shit.

"I'll come sit with you guys. Is it ok if you sit with Tallen, Cara?"

Sure put me on the spotlight.

"Sure sounds great!" I growled through my teeth.

"Awesome high five!" Tallen raised his hand and smacked mine.

Our hands touched for a milli second and yet I feel like I'm going to faint. How am I going to survive a 3 hour flight?

I sat near the window just in case I need to 1. vomit or 2. jump out and die from embarrassment.

"Im excited to be sitting with you" Tallen smiled as the plane lady babbled on.

"Yeah me to, well not to be sitting with myself but me to, to be um sitting with" Smooth Cara smooth. I'm such an idiot.

Tallen just laughed his loud yet beautiful laugh.

"Have you ever been on a plane?"

"No" Shit I've never been on a plane. What if we go over an ocean and the plane goes down. What if the air pressure gets so high it pops my head off. I need to leave, NOW.

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