Tikay-Marie Sullivant was born on June 16, 1995. Her mother is Elijah P. Stagson and her father is Cameron-Alyxander Sullivant.
They lived in Houston, Texas in a four bedroom apartment. They had a Persian Napoleon Bonaparte cat named Foebe, who had grey fur with black and white stripes and dots. She had clear blue eyes with bits of green and silver. She was grumpy at times and wanted to be alone sometimes but was playful none the less. They also had a Golden Husky Retriever named Kennzington. He had soft golden fur with furry black ears. He had plain old brown eyes. He was very playful, loyal and hyper but he was very well behaved.
When they bought Tikay home for the first time, the couple was very excited to have their first real child home and introduce her to her "older siblings". Elijah and Cameron weren't worried at all after watching all those YouTube videos about pets' first meeting babies. When they opened the door they were first greeted by Kenzi who was – like all dogs – excited to see his owners. He was jumping and barking with his tail wagging and tongue out. When he looked at Tikay in her car seat, he stopped and ran to the other side of the room weeping with his head down. When Foebe met Tikay for the first time she hissed and meowed like she was ready to claw at Tikay.
Cameron tried to get Kenzington to walk towards her but he wouldn't. He would just whined and cooed. Elijah tried to bring Foebe over but Foebe just clawed at her trying to get away from the newborn, who was still sleeping in her car seat.
It was like that for months. They wouldn't go near Tikay-Marie. Kenzington would run the other way when Tikay came crawling, or was being carried by Elijah in his direction. Foebe would screech if Tikay-Marie even touched her.
When Tikay got a little older, the atmosphere completely changed. Kenzington and Foebe hung out with her a little more, but they still would keep their distance every once in awhile. Cameron noticed that Tikay would babble and giggle to herself and wouldn't look directly at them when she rambled in her baby language.
When Elijah would pick her up from Ms. Mona's Daycare & Babysitting, she would walk in noticing Tikay not playing with the other children but playing with the blocks in the corner. She would be focused on her blocks one minute and then look next to her and giggle or laugh very hard. Some days, she found Tikay coloring at the table and singing You are my Sunshine. A song Tikay has never heard before. When Tikay gave her the picture it was her and her family and a mysterious white man, dressed in black with blonde hair and green eyes. Elijah thought nothing of it, until Tikay started school.
The Story of Tikay-Marie
Ficción GeneralShe tensed when she felt his breathe by her ear and began to sing in a small distressed voice: " You. Are. My. Sunshine. My only sunshine, You make me happy. When skies are. Gray. You'll never know dear. How much I. Love. You." He inhaled deeply an...