The package

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Hey it's me the author!!! Can some of you guys give this story a shoutout? And comment so I know if you guys like it or not.... Anyways adios! -Whitney.

Ambers p.o.v

My phone started to buzz. I quickly answer it when I see the caller I.D. After i find out that I HAVE to go to ally's house I pack a bag cause chances are I'm gonna end up being there all night. I grab my headphones and turn on some music while I wonder why I have to go to ally's all she said was something about a package and then she was blurting so many things out that I couldn't understand her. As I play music the song kiss you goes on

Oh I just wanna take you anywhere that you'd like we can go out any day any night baby ill take you there take you there baby ill take you there ya. Oh tell me tell me how to turn your love on we can get get anything that you want baby just shout it out shout it out baby just shout it out ya... As the song plays I jog down the stairs and I tell my mum that in leaving. She says it's fine so I go grab my keys jump into the car ad drive to ally's house.


What is taking amber so long? Ughhhh I need her and I need her now! After getting impatient I run outside to check if she's here yet. Which luckily she is. Without lettin her get herself out of the car I open the door and drag her out and then I take her wrist and pull her up to my room. When we get up

There all she does is complain about how she has homework and that she shouldn't have came over. But I remind her that its only Friday and she doesn't need to worry just yet. When I pull out the package I feel my hands start to shake and my legs get stiff as If I can't move. Amber flips the package over to see who it's from and I shriek. OH MY GOSH!!!


Wow. Just wow I can't believe she got a package from them!!! That's just amazing!!!! But I can tell she's afraid to open it she is literally shaking! And considering she just shrieked in my ear I think she should have to wait to open it...

Well I'm lucky cause Tomorrow I get to help her get ready for seeing Niall and the other boys. And she's gonna look better than ever when I'm done with her. I just hope that this package is something good.

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