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I was more than ready for the end of the school day. As soon as Sir dismissed us from Italian, I pushed my way through the crowd of year sevens outside the door and briefly considered fighting against the tide of the one way system to go the quick way, before deciding against it and just turning left towards the stairs. I made my way down and around to the form rooms to wait for Peri. Vinston came into the corridor just behind me, having been in the same class as me last period. He smiled and wished me a happy birthday before disappearing into the form room opposite my own. I blinked in surprise, but then Peri turned up, almost bouncing in excitement. I grinned at her and we quickly sorted out our lockers before racing out to get to the bus stop. One of the advantages of getting the bus up to Lakeside was that we were going the opposite way to the majority of people so their weren't half so many people trying to get onto the bus and we got seats fairly easily. We could see Leonardo and Harriet at the stop across the road getting crushed in the swarm of people and waved. Leo stuck his middle finger up. Peri returned the gesture and laughed as the bus pulled off.

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Quick question: do you guys think the chapters are too short? If you think they are I'll try to make them longer. Texting chapters will probably be about the same length but if you want longer prose chapters I can extend them

Much love and kisses



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