Dean's Little Cousin (Seth Rollins)

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This was requested by allmylifeofrock , I hope you like it darlin'<3 


Since I can remember,Dean's always been there for me, protecting me and taking care of me.He was there when my dad and brothers used to abuse me, he was alwaysthere when I needed him. He's more than just family, he's my bestfriend. Being his cousin was amazing, we were as close as two peoplecan be. The day he found out that he was going to WWE, he packed mybags and took me with him. I was so excited. He began to train me anda few years later, I became a diva, and first female member of TheShield.

Everyone here is reallynice but I barely get to talk to anyone because of Dean. Because ofmy upbringing, he's still very protective of me. I find it sweet attimes but sometimes I wish he'd remember that I'm a grown woman now.He only lets me talk to Roman and Seth, and that's only because we'reThe Shield. But for the last few months, I've been hiding somethingfrom him, a relationship. I know that he'd never let me date asuperstar, let alone one of his best friends.

I walk back to thedressing room, finding it empty and I shut the door behind me. Isqueal as I feel arms wrap around my waist and a gentle kiss placedon my shoulder.

"Hey beautiful." Iblush and turn around in his arms.

"Seth.. Dean couldwalk in any moment.."

"Relax sweetheart, hehas a promo now, he'll be gone for a while."

"I need to get readyfor my match though." he sighs and sits on the couch in thedressing room.

"Why can't we justtell Dean? I really hate having to keep this a secret"

"Seth, I do too butyou know why we have to. Dean'll kill you and we both now it." henods and I kiss his cheek. "We'll tell him soon, I promise okay?Just let me find the right way to do it." I go into the bathroomand change into my attire.

After The Match

I walk backstage afterwinning my match against Naomi and head back to the dressing room. Ipush the door open slightly to hear arguing. I peer round the door tofind Dean and Seth in a heated debate.

"Dean! Calm down,it's not that big of a deal!"

"Not a big deal myass! She's my cousin!" I freeze, realising what the argument isreally about. I curse under my breath and see Roman's eyes lock ontomine. He elbows Dean in the side, pointing over to the door as hefrowns. Dean turns to face me, his features softening as he walksover to me.

"Vamp, you comingin?" I nod as he smiles sweetly at me, walking into the room andlooking over at Seth. Dean follows my gaze and his features changeonce again, anger showing on his face.

"What's this I hearabout you and Seth?"

"Dean, please.."

"So it's true?" Inod, not trusting my voice at this point in time.

"Dean, I know you'reprotective over Vamp, and I get that, I really do. But I really careabout her."

"I'm not going to sitback and watch her get hurt Seth!" I look at Roman, my eyespleading him to help. He steps forwards and both Seth and Dean'sattention turns to him.

"Bro, we both knowwhat Seth is like. He wouldn't hurt her, at least not purposely. Wealso know that he isn't one of those guys who'll just sleep with agirl and leave. Now how long has this been going on?" they turn tome as I say

"Nearly f-fourmonths."

"Four months, thatproves to me Dean, that he really does care about her. He wouldn'thave stuck by her for the past four months if he didn't care abouther and they obviously make each other happy." Dean sighs indefeat.

"Fine! You two candate! But no kissing or lovey dovey stuff in front of me. And Seth,if you hurt her, we all know what I'm capable of, I will hunt youdown and kill you." I hug Dean and sigh in relief. Seth smiles atme before thanking Dean and pulling me into him and kissing my cheek,Dean groaning as he does so. Roman leads him out of the room and Sethsays

"I'm so glad we don'thave to keep this a secret anymore." He leans down, capturing mylips in a kiss.

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