Notes (Dean Ambrose)

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This was requested by DeanAmbrose92 , I'm so sorry that it took me so long but i really hope you like it and feel free to request more if you want to!


I've finally made it!I'm finally on the main roster. You'd probably think it's amazing,right? Wrong. I have no idea why but everyone hates me. I haven'tbeen here two weeks yet and somehow, I've made enemies with everyoneon the roster apart from the Bella's.

I sit in my dressingroom, watching the TV as Brie and Nikki are in a match against Naomiand Sasha. I jump up as Brie pins Sasha and run out the door, headingto greet them. But I don't make it. Instead I bump into someone, thelast person I wanted it to be.

"God Trini! Can't youever look where you're going?!" I mutter a sorry and rush past him.Him being Dean Ambrose. I've never even spoken to him but he's takenan instant dislike to me and it upsets me dearly because, well, Ikind of like him. I run over to Brie and Nikki and congratulate them.They smile but that changes once they seen my face.

"Trini, what's up?Did Ambrose start again?"

"Yeah.. but it was myown fault. I bumped into him."

"You need to stoptaking the blame for him being a dick to you." I sigh and put myhead down as we walk into my dressing room. I feel Nikki nudge me soI look up and see a giant white teddy sat on the benches. I movecloser to see a note sat on it. I pick it up and read it aloud.

Trini, go to hairand makeup and then wardrobe ;)

"Trini'sgot an admirer!"

"Shutup.. it's probably just a joke."

"Noway, let's go!" they grab hold of my hands and take me over to hairand makeup, sitting me in the chair as the artist starts on me.

"Girl,you just need to have a bit more faith in yourself."

"Everyonehere hates me Brie. How am I meant to believe any of this is legit?"

"Causeyou're beautiful." The makeup artist finishes and leads me intowardrobe. I see the most beautiful dress I have ever seen hanging onthe rack in front of me and the crew tell me to put it on. I changeinto it and look at myself in the mirror before leaving wardrobe tohave a member of the backstage crew hand another note to me.

Go out to the frontof the arena!

Islowly head where the note tells me to but I stop in shock as I seewhat seems to be the whole WWE roster stood along the corridors.Someone seems to be missing but I cant seem to put my finger on whoit is. I see a limo at the end of the corridors and I head throughthe superstars and divas. The driver hands me a blindfold and tellsme to put it on once I'm in the limo. I do as I'm told and I feel thecar start moving. I take a deep breath, worried about what is goingto happen as I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"We'rehere miss." the driver helps me out of the limo, taking myblindfold off. I see candles lining the path in front of me headingdown to the beach. I slowly begin to walk down, taking in the amountof effort someone has out into this and see a table set for two laidout. I see someone sat as the table and as I get closer, I see thatit's Dean. I stop as he walks towards me wearing a black suit,holding roses. He did this, for me? Dean smiles handing me the rosesbefore he begins to speak.

"Trini.I know that I haven't been the nicest to you, I haven't known how toact. I'm not great with expressing how I feel but.. I really careabout you, I love you Trini. And I wanted to show you that and ask,if you could forgive me, would you be my girlfriend?" I nod, notbeing able to speak out of shock and happiness and he pulls me in fora kiss.

Thenext day, me and Dean walk into the arena, hand in hand and the wholeroster cheers. Nikki and Brie run over, hugging me and squealing inmy ear.

"Wetold you!" I laugh before Dean kisses my cheek.

"Let'shead to my dressing room, spend some time together before the show?"he leads me towards the dressing room with Brie and Nikki shoutingcrude suggestions after us. I shake my head, laughing. I can'tbelieve any of this actually happened.

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