A Deal's A Deal (Dean Ambrose)

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This was requested by allmylifeofrock, she's such a great writer, she's written my so many one shots and they are all incredible so check her work out! Anyway, sorry for the wait darlin' and i hope you like it!

Sorry about publishing the wrong one at first xD it's all sorted now though<333


I joined the rosterabout three weeks ago and, due to my red hair and pale skin, I gotput into a storyline with Sheamus where he's my best friend, close toa relationship but it never actually happens and I'm actually gladthis story line happened. Since we spent a lot of time togetheroutside of the ring as well as inside, we've become best friendsoutside the storyline as well over such a short period of time. He'sactually such a sweet and funny guy. He treats me like a sister and Isee him as a brother. The storyline's still going and the crowd lovethe chemistry between us. Shea plays a heel so well.

I head to Shea'sdressing room, like I always do as soon as I get to the arena. I walkin and see Randy and Punk stood either side of him trying to convincehim...something. I go to walk towards catering when I hear my name. Idecide to listen in on their conversation.

"Dude, I've wanted todate her since I became her mentor on NXT!"

"Shut up Punk, youonly want her cause I do."

"You know nothingOrton!"

"I know she'll chooseme over you."

"Both of you shut up!I'm not helping either of you date Vamp!" Wait, what?!

Me and CM Punk go backquite a while. I've known Punk for so long, like he said, he was mymentor on NXT and due to that, we had such a close friendship for afew years. He helped me get where I am today. I wouldn't be on themain roster if it wasn't for him. But I've kind of had a crush onRandy for as long as I can remember, when I used to watch WWE beforeI made it here. I walk in seeing Sheamus still going off on them asthey're still trying to convince Shea to help them and prove whodeserves it more so I decide to step in.

"Okay, what the hellis going on in here?! I heard everything so how about we have amatch? The winner gets to take me out on a date after the show? Soundgood?" After some argument between the three of them, they finallyagree on the contest and we head out to the ring.

I sit ringside withShea, watching them try and rip each other to shreds. Halfway throughthe match, my head jerks towards the ramp as I hear someone's themehit and watch as Ambrose runs down to the ring. He throws Randy outof the ring and uses Dirty Deeds on Punk, getting the pin and winningthe match. What the hell is going on here? I rub my temples, confusedabout the whole thing and Dean takes a mic and begins to speak.

"I kinda overheardyou guys backstage and thought that I'd join the match. Sounded likea great prize to be honest, so who's gonna turn it down?" Ichuckle, walking over to Randy and Punk. I peck their lips gently andsay

"We did say whoeverwon the match. We didn't say it had to be one of you two." I lookover at Dean, who's smirking and say

"Pick me up after theshow." and walk up the ramp, leaving them all in shock.

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