Chapter 1

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 Hey guys! 

This is my first imagine sooo don't hate on it too much xD I've got some big ideas for the rest of the story

Hope you enjoy!


   Running into a stranger in an alleyway isn't that uncommon. But if the stranger is holding some kind of flashlight pen, shouting something about finding a TARDIS, and wearing an uncommonly snazzy bowtie, then it gets a little weird. It all started earlier that day, when I was at home.


     I ran downstairs, taking them two at a time. After reaching the bottom, I found my mom standing next to the couch in the living room, glaring at me. I groaned, dreadfully realizing what this was about.

    "Mom, why can't you get the groceries? Why is it always me?"

     She stared me dead in the face and stretched her hand towards me, dangling my car keys in her grasp.

    "You know why. I have to work," she said, as I stretched out my hand and took the keys. I looked into her stormy blue eyes, searching the sparkling irises. 

    "I honestly don't think texting guys all day is 'working'," I mumbled under my breath, shifting my gaze towards the ground.

     "What was that?" My mom said in a sharp tone, making me snap my head up to look at her once again.


     The strange thing is, I knew for a fact that she was going to do that. I had a strange talent in sensing the truth in things. Seeing beyond people's lies. My mom and dad had divorced a long time ago, about nine years ago, when I was 11. Now I'm 19, and my mom still hasn't found the perfect man. We used to live in the U.S, out in the country, with green fields spreading as far as the eye could see. But, soon after my dad had left, my mom and I moved to London. I'm an only child, so I've had a lot of time on my hands. Anyways, knowing I couldn't get out of it, I walked out of the living room and into the garage, where my white Toyota Camry was waiting. I opened the car door, slid the keys into the ignition, and twisted. The car started up with a whir. Backing out of the garage, I started thinking about Isaac, my boyfriend. Well, new boyfriend. Like my mom, I've had a long history with boyfriends, but that's another story. Tonight, we were going out to eat at a fancy restaurant. As I watched the buildings race by through the car window, I began to worry. I've never kept a boyfriend for long. It was kind of pathetic, I know, but they always seemed to lie to me. That's what ended all of my relationships. Lies. Even telling them that famous quote, "honesty is the best policy" hadn't stopped them from lying whatsoever. I took a shallow sigh and relaxed in my seat, gazing out the window, mesmerized by the buildings and vehicles rushing by around me. Eventually, I shifted into traffic, the blaring noises of car horns and motors filling my head. I hated traffic, being an impatient person and all. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel and looked around outside, squinting at the cars ahead of me, trying to map out how long it would take to free myself from this awful position. I felt my irritation meter go up as I realized that I'd be stuck here a while. A long while. I flopped back onto my seat and groaned loudly, wishing teleportation had been invented already. There was nothing else to do other than wait. Five minutes came and went and I had barely inched more than a foot forward. I looked around once again, noting the buildings and restaurants and shops that surrounded me. I was on the outer right lane, as close to the buildings as I could get in a car. I was just about to move forward a centimeter of an inch when something caught my eye. I whipped my head to the right, towards the thing I'd seen out of the corner of my eye. I was looking directly into a dark alleyway, graffiti written skillfully over the walls and trash littering the ground. And inside that alley lay a peculiar blue box, a police box. Strange how they would put it right there in an alleyway. But the strangest thing was the... Thing, next to it. It wore a dark cape, black clothes, and... What? It was blue. That creature had blue skin! I quietly gasped in alarm. It was shaped like a human, a very tall human, but it was blue! And had a very long and pointy noticeable nose, too. It worked nimbly around the blue box, doing who-knows-what with it. After gaping at it for a few moments, I noticed it placing a few gadgets on the walls of the box; they were rounded and made of smooth steel, a shiny red, something, in the center. Then, there was that sly mischievous grin. The grin that gave it all away. The grin of the blue man, that just seemed out of place. At that moment, I knew that he was doing something wrong. And that I had to stop him. With cars honking at me in the distance, I raced out of the car, not really caring that it was still in traffic, and headed straight towards the alleyway. My brain went numb to what I was doing. I raced nimbly on my feet, quietly padding my way towards the blue box. The man was on the other side of the box, apparently oblivious to my appearance. I gathered my courage and spoke as strongly as I could.

    "Excuse me."

    He immediately darted out from behind the box, his blue skin shining and more vibrant that ever. The crazed look in his eyes told me he was up to no good.

    "I don't believe this is yours, is it?"

    He looked at me like I was crazy, eyes darting between me and the blue police box. He squinted at me, then all of a sudden, disappeared. You heard me. I blinked and he was gone. I was so shocked that I stepped back a few paces, planning to run away as fast as I could. What the heck was that all about? I turned to run, but my plans were immediately foiled as I ran smack into someone, knocking me to the ground, hard.

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