Chapter 2

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I wheezed. The impact had knocked the breath out of me. I tried to get up, hearing the guy I ran into apologizing furiously. I staggered, but he caught my hand and steadied me. I began to feel flustered, shaking off his hand and backing up again. He had very nice brown hair, a tweed jacket, a bow tie attached to the collar of his shirt, and was saying something I couldn't quite understand.

"Yes excuse me but have you seen the TARDIS around here? A blue box?" said the mystery mane in a thick British accent. 

I stared at him like he was nuts, but he just kept looking back at me with his big brown eyes, like he was expecting an answer.


He sighed, exasperated, and started pacing.

"A blue police box! Have you seen it!"

I looked behind me, looking back at the box the blue man had been putting those, things, onto. I looked back at the man, expecting him to see the box too. He looked totally oblivious. I awkwardly pointed behind me.

"You mean that blue police box?"

He glanced behind me towards the box, eyes scanning the scene. Then he stared at me, confused.


"You mean, you can't see it?"

"See what?"

"The blue box!"

He looked back behind me, realization finally flooding his face.

"Ooooh," he said under his breath, pushing me aside and racing towards the blue box.

"Those bandits are tricky things. Haven't encountered one in years!" Then, he pulled out this weird flashlight pen from an inner pocket in his jacket, scanning the blue box with it. It made a strange sound as he scanned the box, searching for something. I just stood there, gaping at him. Suddenly, he straightened up, and turned around.

"Wait," he said, "did you say you could see it?"

"Um, yeah! Why can't you see it?" I started to breath harder, heavier. "Oh no I'm going insane aren't I."

He walked up to me, a big smile on his face, searching my eyes.

"Hello! I'm the Doctor! What's your name!"

"(Y/N), and doctor who?"

"Just the Doctor," he said. His gaze suddenly became serious.

"The question is, how can you see through the invisibility filter?"

Nothing made sense. Yep, I thought, I was definitely going mad. "What?"

"Never mind. Do you see any little metal devices on my TARDIS? Red centered perhaps?"

"TARDIS?! What's a TARDIS? What are you doing here? Who are you? What's the deal with this blue box? What the heck is going o-!" He stopped me by putting a surprisingly soft but firm hand over my mouth, cutting me off. As I squirmed away from his touch, he responded to my questions so fast I could barely understand him.

"The TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Demension In Space, I'm here because I was looking for it and you happened to be in the alley I'd left it in, I'm, well, a Timelord, the TARDIS is a time machine, and what's going on is that a Bandit made my TARDIS invisible! Just for the fun of it. Honestly, those guys need to learn some manners. And all I need you to do is pull those little things off it." He looked at me, probably noting the stunned expression upon my face. This was a little hard to process. I started to stagger away from him, but he quickly caught my hand again and pulled me back. Geez, did this guy know nothing about personal boundaries?

"Please, (Y/N). Your the only one who can see them right now and it would be easier for the both of us. I can't even locate them with my sonic screwdriver!" He looked into my eyes, his dark brown irises shining more than ever. Is he really pulling the puppy dog face on me? Well, I thought, if he is, it's working. I sighed.

"Fine," I said. "But what's a Timelord? And that can't be a time machine! Can it?"

"Question time's over!" He said loudly. "Answer time later."

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