Chapter 4

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Hope you don't mind me making up some stuff but just know that I DID do a little research about the roots of the stuff and if it would actually make sense... Enjoy :)


I took a deep breath and looked up at the Doctor.

"Well," I said, giving him an expectant stare, "what am I supposed to do with it?"

"Um," he responded, gazing back down at the animatronic creature in my palm. "Just, give it here." He held out his hand, and I happily obliged, eager to get the mechanical thing away from me. He then gave it a good look, running his sonic screwdriver over it once again. A moment later he unexpectedly tossed it on he ground, like it was a piece of junk no one gave a crap about. I looked back towards the TARDIS, noticing that the side I'd just pulled the metal creature off of had become a lot more vibrant than it had been before. A startling bright but dark blue. It was hard to describe.

"I know you've been seeing it the whole time, but that side of the TARDIS just reappeared for me," The Doctor said. I stared at the marvelous box in awe. Soon after, we did the same to the rest of the walls of the TARDIS, pulling off the metal gadgets, disabling them. It was getting easier and easier as we neared the end. In no time we had cleared the TARDIS of any kind of suspicious objects. As clouds passed over the sun up above, I glanced back down at the pile of creatures that had been roughly thrown on the ground; four to be exact. One for each side of the TARDIS. The TARDIS was now more colorful than ever, it's beauty almost an eyesore. It was also completely visible to any naked eye. I shifted my eyes towards The Doctor, the excitement in his eyes lighting up his whole face. It honestly made him look like a child, the thought making me crack a smile.

"Why, hello again beautiful," he said, staring at the box, a smile as plain as day spread across his face. Was it weird that he was talking to a box? He then slid a key from out of his jacket and placed it eagerly in the lock on the TARDIS. A clicking noise resonated deep inside the lock as he twisted the key, hesitating soon after and looking over his shoulder at me.

"(Y/N)," he said carefully, "this might be a little too much to take in at once so just do me a favor and don't freak out. You haven't gone mad."

A second later he threw open the door to the TARDIS and ran inside. I blinked. I was standing in the doorway to a small blue telephone box. But on the inside, it was a whole new world. I inhaled sharply and examined the outside, studied the walls and edges of the TARDIS, trying to find a logical explanation. Though, yet again, nothing today seemed to be logical at all. I gingerly headed towards the entrance again and stepped inside, staring at the beautiful interior. Was this real? Was I dreaming? I shook my head and blinked several times, coming to the conclusion that I was awake. That this was actually happening. Wasn't it?

"Well... It's very roomy," I said, still gaping at the buttons and blinking lights that crammed the room.

"I was expecting a response like 'it's bigger on the inside' but I guess that'll have to do," The Doctor responded.

"Oh my God. Is this real?" I said, thinking aloud. A sudden flare of panic ignited in my chest. "I must be dreaming. Please tell me I'm dreaming."

The Doctor chuckled a little. "Now that's the response I was waiting for. And I'm afraid not. This is happening, if you want it to or not."

That bad thing was that I believed him. It's hard to avoid the truth, especially if you were me. And the truth comes to me wheather I want it to or not. The tight knot of fear in my chest loosened as I stared at The Doctors kind face. Believe it or not, he was oddly comforting.

"So, is this actually, you know, a time machine?" I asked.

"The one and only. Well, so far" he said, another grin spreading across his face. "This baby'll take you anywhere. Anywhere, through time and/or space."

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