chapter 2: The tribot

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Alisha walks downstairs to wash her face as she walks downstairs she sees her dad looking cheekier than ever before. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Of course I am my little honey bun guess what!" He says. "I get to go to school again!" She ask with a big smile on her face. "Of course not sweetheart come on its only been 2 days of Christmas break. What it is,is that I got you your very own tribot!!" He yells. "Oh that's great I love it" she says with a frown. "Honey what's wrong I thought you'll be happy" he says. "Well its that I wanted the cautrobot". She says with a depression frown that killed her fathers mood. "I know honey its just that I really been trying and trying and trying and I just couldn't get enough money to pay for it." The dad says. "I know but I do appreciate your effort dad I love you" she says while giving him a big hug. "I love you too sweetheart" says her father. "And maybe next year you can try super hard to get me the cincobot!" She says. "Haha yeah maybe just maybe". He says. Alisha walks off to her room. She lays on her bed just staring at the ceiling. After an hour of laying down and thinking about her childhood she remembers she has a tribot. She heads downstairs to and see the big box and she opens it to see a metal-like bird-like creature sitting in it. "Hi there my name is Garfield and I will protect you what is your name?" Says the thing. "Alisha" says Alisha. "How old are you?" Asked Garfield. Alisha holds up 5 fingers. "Oh you're five so you're in kindergarten?" He asked. She nods at him "do you like it there?" He ask. "Yes I love it" she says. "My favorite class is fighting class haha" she says "oh that's good" he says. "Come on let's go play outside" she says leading the way. They head out of the house to the fresh air. On their side of town their air is fresh because it doesn't have to deal with robots nasty bodies all over the area. Alisha plays in the shiny grass. It doesn't snow in velgar at all even during the holidays. "Wanna play tag?" Alisha ask. "Why not" says Garfield. Alisha tags him and starts running around the area. "You can't catch me nanananana" chants alisha. "Tagging you is my mission" says Garfield. He runs after her she dodges him the first time then jukes him the second all of sudden he gets a burst of speed and catches up to her and tags her. "Ahh you got me haha" she says. "Affirmative let me be right back I have to do something real quick." Says Garfield. "Okie dokie" responds alisha. Alisha waves to home goodbye as he walks off. Alisha sits on her favorite pile of leaves. "Ahh I love life" she murmurs to herself. A giant armoured nazbot walks towards her. "All humans must die" it says. "Hey you're back yay." She says. Just then the robot tries to punch her. "Hey why you swing ah..." She says while the robot picks her up by her neck and slams her to the ground. "Ow you are not Garfield!" She yells. She takes out her guns and start shooting at it. Which doesn't do much. The robot gets angry and grabs her by her waist this time and throws her to her door to her house. "Oww daddy!" She yells then she remembers that he's at a meeting. The robot walks towards her. She starts to cry and whemper while she's hurt. "GARFIELD!!" She yells. The robot gets ready to swing but right before it swings Garfield shoots its arm off. "STEP OFF" Yells Garfield in his battle suit. He runs towards the robot and punches it and kicks it and punches it once more until it completely broke down. After that he went back to his normal self. "I am so sorry I ever left I didn't mean for this to happen". He says. "Oh don't sweat it I'm glad I got a chance to fight a nazbot although I lost I'm just glad you were there to protect me I love you Garfield". She says with a big smile as she gives him a warmfelt hug. "So what else can you do?" Ask alisha. "Well I can transform into a hover craft". He says. "Awesome wanna go on a joy ride". She says. "Anything for you" he says. He transforms into a gray blackish hovercraft that has a missile button. "Cool!" Says alisha as she hops on. They fly around velgar looking at all the different nations. She waves at all of them only a few wave back. After several hours they finally make it back to see a mad fearious father waiting for them. "Bedtime was 8 o clock sharp young lady its 9:05 where were you?". Her father ask. "Uh I was Garfield he protects me" she says. "Hmm yes I see I guess I can trust him although he's a not he's a good bot. Make sure nothing hurts my daughter okay". He say. "Okay I gotcha" says Garfield. "Good now off to bed you two shoo shoo oh and by the way alisha I'll try hard extra hard to get you the cautrobot". He says. "Oh my god you are the best!". She yells "come on Garfield let's go celebrate!". She says.

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