chapter 7: abducted

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"Alisha tell everything about your sister". Says aaron. "Well heres how it goes my sister name is Alisa and she wasn't really athletic back then and pensans are all about being athletic. She could climb trees, jump from house to house fight off cy-dwarves or even shoot. My parents were disappointed in her this was when she was my age by the way. My parents sent her off for an adoption I was little by the time so I couldnt really say anything to my parents to stop. My parents were heart broken but Alisa didn't think they were. When she was adopted all of her heart just shattered like she has no hope her anymore. She found her true potential and came flying back at us. She was shooting at my father and mother. We found a way away from her but she came close. My mom threw me at my dad but it was too late for. A nazbot came and killed her and my younger brother. And the powers my sister was using was the power of fire and light. She was last seen at the nammoid republic where she is the leader". Says alisha. "Dang that's horrible for your sister". Says aaron. "Yeah its sad I wish I could've help". Says Alisha. "I guess we should call it a night aye guys" says Garfield. "Here let me set up a camp fire" says Leon. "Fire breath" Leon shoots out fire on a couple of branches to lit a fire. "Impressive" says taz. "Indeed" says Garfield. Everyone goes off to sleep on the hard cold floor. A few crunching sounds appear which wakes up alisha. "Huh,who's there" ask alisha. "Shhh shh I'm only here to help hahah" says vel. "Huh vel what on earth are you doing here". Ask alisha. "Shh shh don't worry" says vel. Vel puts her troll fingers around alishas head and she takes off with. "Hey let go of me let me go now!!!". Yells alisha loud enough for the rest to hear. "Hey let go of her or else!" Shouts Aaron. "Or else what ehaaha" says vel as she laughs. She zaps aaron with her lightnigh strike. "Ahhhhh" yells aaron as he flys in the air and is caught by Leon. "Thanks leon" says aaron. Vel still is flying away with alisha but she's getting higher and higher. Leon takes Aaron off his back. "I want to go alone you take care of the others if I don't come back in 2 days send a search party you got that aaron" says Leon. "Got it" replies aaron. Aaron runs back to Garfield and taz who are still asleep.
Meanwhile with alisha...
"Nooo let me go what are you going to do with me?" Asked alisha. "You will be in the dungeon hahahah". Says vel. "My friends are going to come for me and kick your butt". Says alisha in a brave way. "Friends? Psh you think those goof balls are your friends." Says vel. "What do you mean?" Says alisha in a soft tone. "If they were your true friends they wouldn't be lying around just sitting there would they"? Asked vel. "Uh no which is exactly what they're not doing". Says alisha. "Don't be so sure I'll show you". Says vel. Vel takes alisha back to where she was where she saw Aaron Garfield and tazbot just sitting around sleeping. "Ha you see didn't I tell ya". Said vel. Alisha felt depressed lonley and betrayed at the same time. "Take me away from here I feel I don't belong here". Says alisha. "As granted mwhahahaha". Laughs vel as she flys away with alisha but just then she hears leon in the distance. "Alisha nooo come back!" Yells leon. "Leon help!!". Yells alisha. Just then vel realizes what's happening and she goes faster with her troll rocket boots. "Alisha Noooooo!" Yells leon. "Leon!!" Yells alisha. Leon runs and runs through the forest but is stop by vel's troll henchmen. "Where you going" says one of the henchmen. "To get my friend". Says leon boldly. "Impossible because your friend is gonna be troll food I hope vel can make a mean hu-stew Haahahaha but don't worry she'll save you some" says another troll. "Ahh not on my watch fire breath!" Leon says as he shoots fire at the trolls but misses. "Aww bad kitties never learn do they hahah" says a troll. "Let's teach this bad kitty some manners guys". Says the head troll. The trolls grow bigger about 8 feet tall. Leon tries kicking them but it had no effect on them. "Hahah now its a party" says the head troll. The head troll picks up leon he tries to resist but is stuck in his hand. The head troll punches leon and kicks him at the other troll and the other troll kicks him right back at the head troll. The head troll kicks him at another troll and that troll catches him and slams him down. "I think he learned his lesson hahah let's bounce guys". Says the head troll. They head out leaving leon on ground a great pain.
Back at the bonfire...
Aaron wakes up from his slumber and remembers what happened. "Whoa guys guys wake up". Aaron says. "What is it?" Asked Garfield as he looks around not seeing his partner in crime. "Alisha where's alisha?" He asked getting upset. "She got kidnapped last night don't worry we will get her" Aaron says thinking it will cheer him up. "WHAT HOW COULD YOU LOOSE ALISHA!!" Garfield yells as he puts his hands around Aaron's neck lifting him off the ground. "Hey hey hey leon told me stay back as he go get her" aaron says. "How dare you leave my best friend life in the hands of a lion now you must pay". Garfield says as he lifts his arm and changes his hand a cannon and points it at me. "If its a fight you want a fight you'll get bring it on tin can bucket". Aaron says pulling out his pistols. "Hey violence is not the answer stop this right now" says tazbot as he's holding on to aaron. "Ugh you're right I don't know what I was thinking I guess I was so upset that I lost my Best friend that I lost control. I promiss you I won't do that anymore it would be at best favor if you can forgive me". Says garfield. "Oh don't sweat it man apologie accepted" says aaron with a smile.
"Great now let's go get Alisha!" Says garfield.

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