#10: Baby's First Smile

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You were holding Cam against your chest, watching tv sitting between Louis' legs. Laying back on his chest, you made sure not to wake either of them. You started to rub Cam's cheek lightly, your loving endless for the two boys surrounding you. Soon, Cam's lips twitched slightly, moving upward as you kept stroking his cheek. Enjoying his mom's touch, he smiled widely in his sleep. You gasp, and coo, "My boy, yeah. Louis, wake up," you say, slightly nudging him. His head pops up, and he puts his hand on your thigh to figure out where he is. "What?" He asks quietly. "Watch Cameron," you whisper. Louis looks around your shoulder, as you start to rub his cheek again. Sure enough, his smile grows, just like Louis' love for both of you do too.


"Li, please get him?" You ask quietly from the bed as Hunter cries from his room. Liam gets up, and makes his way to the nursery where Hunter is. He smiles, reaching down into the crib to get his son. Placing him on the changing table, he quickly changes his diaper as the cries die down. "There you go, no need to be grumpy, huh?" Liam asks, pulling down his lip gently before letting it go. Hunter grunted, and Liam did it again, causing his lips to upward into a smile. Liam laughed slightly, debating on waking you up. He decided against it, knowing he can show you in the morning and he should let you rest.


"Noel, my pretty baby, you're so perfect," Niall says, as you walk into the room. He's sat on the couch with Noel on his chest. You 'awh' making Niall blush. He sets her down on her back on the couch, and you walk over to him. "What are you doing?" You ask, sitting next to him. "Trying to make her smile," he replies, starting to tickle Noel. Soon enough, a big smile spreads on her face as still tickles her. "Look, babe! She smiled." "Oh my gosh, keep going I'm gonna take a picture!" You say, getting your phone quickly.


Both girls were in their car seats, as you were on your way over to Louis' house for a get together with all the lads and their families as well. You had decided to ride in the back with the twins, wanting some extra time with them before everyone wanted to hold them. You watched as some houses and shops passed, then turned your attention on Layla. "Hi baby girl, your mommy's girl aren't you," you say quietly, starting kiss her cheek a few times. She looks at you, and you kiss her cheek a few more times. Her mouth turns upward, into a toothless smile. "Oh my gosh, Harry, she's smiling," you say excitedly, pulling out your phone and taking a picture. "Seriously? Take a picture!" He says. "I already did," you say, smiling at him. "Let's see if Addison will too." You begin to kiss her cheek like you were doing to Layla, and sure enough, she's smiling. "That's amazing," Harry says, and then pouts. "Our girls are growing up babe."

A/N: really sorry it took forever to update.. Been working on something new (it's not yet published) 😁

thanks for reading, lemme know what part you want next please!

vote if ya could, love you❤️😚

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