Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


Adrian opened his mouth, closed it again. Opened it again but no words came out.

It was a stunning revelation and now thinking about it, there was certainly that possibility.

"Do you mean, one of them..." he couldn't even formulate a sentence, his mind was racing a mile a minute

"It's just a theory, a possibility and it always happened when we had room service." She said and added "Adrian I don't have to tell you, keep this to yourself. Don't even tell Alex, let's not get riled about something that might not even be there."

He nodded readily agreeing "I will Roma" he promised.

"Thank you Adrian, Good night" She dismissed him.

"Good night Roma" he responded and walked out of the suite closing the door behind him as two guards on night duty were standing outside the door and nodded their acknowledgement to Adrian.

Adrian walked out with his thoughts in disarray, sleep would not come so easily.


Roma was about to sleep when her hotel phone rang "Yes?" she asked curtly.

She listened to the information from the front desk operator and said "All right, put him through"

"Alpha Nick" She greeted once she was connected to the caller "What can I do for you?"

Nick explained about his call that he received a little while ago.

She listened and said "And what did you say?"

She again listened to his response and nodded her head in satisfaction. Nick was no fool.

"Good. I don't see a reason to worry now and they can't do anything about it. It's a little too late for that. We will handle it from our end Alpha, you did exactly what I would have done. Thank you for letting me know. Do you think they suspect the extent of our deal?"

"All right then, let's catch up tomorrow. I will ask Adrian to set up some time" she responded to him.

She hung up the phone and contemplated, the pieces were moving fast, faster than she anticipated. She sighed, she couldn't do anything about it now so she put it on the list to worry about tomorrow and catch up on some sleep.


Next day morning

Evelyn mumbled in her sleep as she heard the familiar alarm of her cellphone, she got up groggily and squinted in to the phone which read it was 6:00 AM, she grumbled and dismissed her alarm and fell back on to the bed. She was supposed to be on morning duty today, however Ria had again request to swap her shift. Evelyn had readily agreed since she was not a morning person to begin with and if she had any say in the shift schedule she would have ensured she would never get a morning shift. Unfortunately she did not. So instead of early morning she would now do the night shift that Ria had which suited her just fine. She had forgotten to switch off that stupid alarm last night. She pulled the duvet around her tightly and promptly fell back to sleep.


Alex, Adrian, Max and Roma were seated at the breakfast table. She had called for a meeting and everyone was there. As usual the breakfast was laid out by room service when no one was around and once breakfast was set. Roma had called for the meeting.

"Nick called me last Night" Roma started off without preamble.

Everyone was listening to her while helping themselves to the breakfast.

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