Prince of Roma- Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Fort Meade Maryland, NSA

There was a time when people with headphones use to do this job. Listen to calls, compare it to known voice prints. Such places were called listening posts. Now computers took over and did the same Job a lot faster, efficient and accurate.

So when a very unremarkable looking machine did a voice analysis on a call, a small statement

"This is Charles. There is a change in schedule" and a click of the phone being disconnected.

It within seconds tried to compare it against thousands of voice prints in its database. What prompted the machine to pay attention was the word "Charles" there had been a request from CIA to put the word on the watch list.

That word was spoken thousands of times across the phone network every day and the machine did this every single time. That was the advantage of having a computer replace humans. Something that would have taken months to cover now only took minutes or a few hours.

But unlike all the other times, something else happened. There was a match. The machine cross referenced the call against what it had in its database and decided it was 97% accurate match. Which was classified as beyond reasonable doubt. It immediately looked for the person who put a flag in place and saw the reference as a 'Michael Bartley' from CIA and he had the necessary authorization.

The system generated a report of the call with its analysis and also the location of the cell tower that picked up the call and a time stamp and promptly e-mailed it to him.

All this happened in less that fifteen minutes and without any human interference what so ever and the machine went back to its job of listing to thousands of calls.


Two months later

Evelyn hated Jeff.

She narrowed her eyes at him as he took his stance lazily across the open ground, indicating that she was no threat, of no consequence.

Her wolf chafed and with a growl she lunged in a long jump. He did not move and as she thought he jaws would bite in to his torso, if a flash he bent rolled over with his paws kicked her, dislodging her from her aim and she crashed in to the ground and cartwheeled as her landing was shot to hell when he pushed her with his paws.

By the time she got up and refocused. He again moved away putting at least ten feet distance between them and he returned back to his body language of indifference.

She had been trying to attack him for the last thirty minutes with no success. He was masterfully dodging her ever move. She could not even put a scratch on him. Worst yet, he did not even have to put a scratch on her. Indicating that she was not even worthy of a fight.

This has been her story for the past two months. Since she had her wolf. Jeff was sweet as ever to her, but on the training ground he was a beta he was known to be. Tough as hell and untouchable, in the last two months she could not even put a scratch on him.

She recalled the day she found her wolf. She gave an involuntary shudder, recalling the pain. She welcomed the blackness that overtook her to be her death, because there was no way someone could have survived so much pain. But she woke up a few hours later and was scared out of her wits when she found out she suddenly had four legs and a tail and while she was processing this information a pack member stumbled on to her, too close to her comfort. Her animal took over and she attacked. Perceiving him to be a threat.

But luckily, newly turned wolves were like pups and had no chance against a well-trained pack wolf. The pack member was momentarily shocked by a new wolf he never saw before as she managed to sink her claws in to his human form. He even did not even have to morph in to his wolf, in a minute her subjugated her in his human form. At first he thought her to be some rogue wolf, but he took a deep whiff and realized who she was.

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