The Announcement

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Caitlin woke up with a huge smile on her face. Well for starters she was now engaged and her future husband was currently sleeping next to her. His arms were on her waist; pulling her closer to his body. Caitlin could not help but admire to see his muscles and they way he smelt. She felt like she was living in a fairy tale. She was admiring the way he looked when he was asleep; when she heard him start to stir.

Caitlin: Good Morning, fiance

Barry:(yawns and then smiles) Good morning, fiance

Caitlin: You do realize we have a long day ahead of ourselves

Barry: I know, but I can not wait to tell everyone that we are engaged

Caitlin: I can not wait too(kisses him)

Barry: Yep, just what I needed

Caitlin: Hurry up, let's get ready

Barry: On it

In a flash Barry brushed his teeth, took a shower, and changed. He flashed a smile at Caitlin and she just rolls her eyes. She has to admit that she kinds of envy the fact he has super speed. In what can take minutes for her, it can take seconds for him . Though that is one of the reasons why she loves him. Not because of his speed, but what he does with it. Caitlin never loved anyone this much in her life, not even Ronnie.

She takes about 30 minutes to get ready and the minute she walks out she can smell something cooking. Her nose follows the smell into the kitchen; where she sees Barry making some breakfast.

Caitlin: What you doing? (Barry turns around and smiles)

Barry: Pancakes and scramble eggs... what took you so long?

Caitlin: Hey...For someone who does not have super speed I took a normal amount of time

Barry: Either ways... breakfast is done

Caitlin: Did I mention you are the best fiancé in the world

Barry: Oh, I know I am

Barry and Caitlin sat together and ate their breakfast while discussing how they were going to announce their engagement to their family and friends. They didn't feel like telling them all individually because they don't all work together.

Barry: I think I know what we can do

Caitlin: Really, what is it

Barry: I say we should have a reunion at Jitters today at 3, and then we tell them

Caitlin: I actually like that idea

Barry: I will tell Joe and Iris and...

Caitlin: I tell Cisco

Barry:( smiles ) Exactly

Soon after their conversation they started making phone calls. They told their friends and family to meet them at Jitters at 3, and they all said they can make it. Barry and Caitlin were super excited to tell everyone. Since Barry and Caitlin didn't have to work today; they decided to kill time by snuggling on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy. They both really like that show. They got a couple episodes in before it was about time to go to jitters. Instead of flashing there; they decided to walk there. It was only a 10 minute walk from their apartment. Wait, did I forget to mention that for their 1 year anniversary Barry bought a apartment for both of them. Oops sorry not sorry. Anyways, when they arrived at Jitters everyone was already there .

Joe: hey Barry, hey Caitlin

Iris: how you guys been

Caitlin: great

Cisco: So why did you called us here

Barry: because me and Caitlin are...
(Caitlin raises her hand to show her beautiful diamond ring) engaged

Iris: omg!!! ( hugs Barry and Caitlin)
Congratulations!! I am going to get a sister in law awesome

Caitlin: thanks Iris

Joe: congratulations(hugs Caitlin and then Barry) treat her right bear

Barry: I will Joe

Cisco: I call dibs being the best man

Barry: you know Oliver is going to want to be that right

Cisco: oh you are right, I will be the second best man. Either ways congratulations you too

Caitlin: Thanks Cisco

Everyone for the next hour just sat talk about Barry and Caitlin's wedding and their own lives. Everything went perfect for Barry and Caitlin
I know this chapter suck but still please comment and vote.

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