Stay with me

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"Oh my god this cannot be happening. I cannot loose Barry. I swear if he does not make it; I am going to make Wells pay for it. Even if it is the last thing I do." Caitlin thought to herself.

Caitlin's thoughts were suddenly interrupted when a gush of wind blew the papers and her hair away. Suddenly the wind stop and Caitlin heard a groan. She looked at the center of the cortex to see her Barry lying lifeless on the floor. She automatically sprint into action along with Cisco. She ran to Barry and checked to see if he had a pulse. She was mortified when she did not feel one. She started doing CPR on him for 2 minutes. She then checked if he had a pulse, and thank god she found one. A weak one at least.

By the time she was done doing CPR on Barry; Cisco had everything ready. They both managed to place Barry on the gurney roll him to the medical bay and start the medical process. Caitlin hooked him up to an IV while Cisco hooked him up to a heart monitor. After that, they took off his suit and started the cleaning and disinfecting part. Caitlin disinfected his stab wound and gave him stiches. She also checked for any other injuries, but thank god he had nothing serious but a couple bruising around his chest and face.

Though she knew Barry was going to pull through; she could not help but worry especially since she does not know when his powers were going to return. While examining him she noticed that he was not healing as fast as he could, so whatever Wells had given had actually worked. He said it was only temporally, so his powers may come in a couple of minutes or in days. So that meant Barry was not going to wake up anytime soon. That didn't really helped her.

Once, they finished patching up Barry she stood by his bed side and was determined to stay there until he woke up again. While she did that, Cisco called Joe to inform him on what happened and told him that it wasn't to serious. Joe wanted to go check up on Bear, but the captain had him packed with work from the station, but to call him if anything changes.

Midnight hit and there was still no changes with Barry. Cisco told Caitlin to go home and get some rest, but she insisted she wanted to stay. Wanting to leave her alone with Barry; he told her that he was heading home and to call if anything happens. She says okay and he gathers his things and leaves. Once she knew he was gone; she looked at the ring in her finger and started to cry. She needed to let all her emotions out and she did. She placed her head on Barry chest and she silently cried to herself.

While she was crying she did not realized that Barry had started to stir and wake up. He opened his eyes to find Caitlin crying on him. It crushed his heart seeing the pain he caused her. He weakly started to pet her hair. Once she realized that he was petting her she looked up with tears in her eyes. Once she saw he was awake she quickly wiped away her tears even though they kept spilling out.

Barry- Aw...Please don't cry. I hate seeing you sad. I am sorry for worrying you

Caitlin- I thought I was going to lose you. Your heart stopped and...

Barry- It is okay, I am alright; well sort of

Caitlin- Suits you right for scaring me, but are you okay, are you in pain

Barry- Yes, but I think a kiss will take that all away

Caitlin(smiles)- Well I am your doctor, so I got to get you better so...

(They both share along passionate kiss for a minute)

Caitlin- There feel better

Barry- A lot

Caitlin then places her head on his chest again while he pets her hair

Caitlin- Barry can you promise me that you will be more careful please

Barry- I will try, but at the end of the day I will always stay with you Caitlin Snow

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