He's back

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Caitlin snow will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me
Caitlin was daydreaming about Barry when the metahuman alert went off. She and Cisco went straight to action. She called Barry immediately.
Barry: yello baby
Caitlin: baby there is a metahuman attack in central city's national bank
Barry: on my way
Caitlin: be careful
Barry: ok
Once he hangs up, she runs to Cisco and start monitoring Barry. She pulls up his heart and body monitor while Cisco hacks into the security cameras. Once Cisco completes his task all they do is watch and wait till Barry needs their help; which he always does duh.

In a flash Barry got into his flash costume and ran to the national bank. Once he entered he saw police officers outside. That never meant anything good. Once he entered he saw there were many hostages, so he flashed them out and got them to safety. Once he made sure everyone was safe he ran back into the bank. Now the hard part was to put this metahuman away.
Unfortunately for him the meta was waiting for him. But something seem very wrong. The meta had his back to him. Now to think about it, while saving the hostages he didn't get even get aglimpse of his face. But for some reason Barry had this feeling like he knew the meta. Which sent shivers down his back. Then suddenly the meta started talking.

Meta- I have been waiting for you Barry
(Then the meta turns around)

Once Barry saw his face he gasped. He took a couple steps back. No it couldn't be thought Barry.  Barry and his friends saw with their own eyes him being erased from existence. Wells can't no possibly be alive.
Wells- I know a shocker right
Barry- how are you alive... Eddie erased you from existence
Wells- See that was only temporary
Barry- how is this even possible
Wells- that is story for another day cause I came back...
Barry- to finish me, but sadly that is not going to happen
Wells- let's see about that
Wells then suddenly ran out; Barry quickly followed

With Caitlin and Cisco

Cisco and Caitlin couldn't believe what they were seeing. Dr wells was Alive. They watch as Barry start speaking in shock. Then suddenly they see wells run out and Barry soon follows.
Caitlin- omg! He gonna kill Barry
Cisco- don't say that, Barry has grown stronger and faster since the last time they fought.
Caitlin- you still don't know that Cisco
Cisco- Cait calm down, right now let's just focus on helping Barry
Caitlin- ok
Next thing they know they hear Barry through the speaker. He said something about wells leading  him to an abandoned warehouse near the docks, but he seem to have lost wells somewhere in there. Cisco gets straight to work and hacks into the warehouse Barry is in. Caitlin in the other hand was nervous. She didn't want to distract Barry with her worries, so she remained quiet patiently waiting.

Back with Barry
Barry moved around the warehouse as quiet as he could. He was searching every corner in case wells tried to sneak attack him, but then he came to the middle of the warehouse where he found wells in his suit.
Wells- about time to catch up to me
Barry- I didn't came here to catch up
Wells- oh I know
Barry then went to throw a punch at him, but Wells catched his punch. Then wells punched him in the face. This made Barry mad, so he went to stop his worse enemy. The two speedsters start having an all blown out fight through the warehouse. They each landed some blows to each other. They soon ended up in the roof of the warehouse though.
Barry- it ends here wells
Wells- that's what you think
Barry and Wells then charged at each other, but out of nowhere wells pulled out a syringe with weird yellow liquid and injected Barry with it.
Barry starts automatically feeling weaker and soon came to a quick stop.
Wells- I just injected you with a serum to make you temporary lose your powers. It should take affect soon
Barry- You are such a bastard
Wells then starts beating up Barry, barry was way to weak to fight back. Then Wells take out a knife and stabs Barry in the stomach when Barry tried to fight back. Barry gasped in pain and fell on his knees. He could her in his ear piece Caitlin screaming his name. Though he couldn't really focus
Wells- looks like I win flash
He takes out his knife ready to stab Barry again when suddenly Barry got an urge and pushed him off the building. Before wells could reach the top of the roof again; Barry was already gone.
Barry was extremely dizzy, but he made his way to back to star labs. Once he was in the cortex his world became black
Sorry the chapter ends here
I truly sorry I have not updated in a long time, but please forgive me. I will start trying to post as much chapters as I
Thank you all for being patient and liking this book


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