Chapter One

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Who is Kim Jonghyun?


Fifteen year old Kim Kibum clutched his books tightly on his chest as he avoids the throng of students filling the busy hallways of the school. It's the second week since the beginning of classes and Kibum still can't believe that he's already in his first year in high school.

Adjusting his eyeglasses, he maneuvered his way to the left corridor and was about to take the stairs towards the second floor when someone blocked his way.

"Please let me pass.." Kibum silently asked to the brunette blocking his way, the hold on his books tightening when the other lowly chuckled, taunting him.

The brunette slowly made his way to the raven and smirked, "And who are you to order me around?"

Kibum bit his lower lip and lowered his gaze. Kim Jonghyun was...

"Mom~!!!" Six-year old Kibum shouted as he saw the car- their family car, cascaded asymmetrically down the wet road before it hit the railing that harness the cars to prevent from falling off a cliff. The white SUV being flashed by the lightning that rippled in the dark sky.

Kibum's little heart stopped when he saw the car banged against the railing and falling on!

His mommy can't die..! No!

With a tear-streaked face, Kibum shakily stood up from the wet ground, the rain long forgotten as his little mind took in the heartbreaking situation.

"Mom..." he quietly whimpered.

"N-No one..." Kibum mumbled, feeling those intense brown eyes boring in his head.

"Good," Jonghyun said haughtily, crossing his arms on his chest, "I suppose dirt have brains after all."

Kibum still kept his gaze down, quietly taking every insult he got from the other boy. Besides, he deserve it...right?

Kibum pressed his hands harder on both his ears, hoping to block out the loud quarreling of his parents in the other room.

"How could you just do that to us?! We're your family!!!" he heard his mother yelling to his father, "Do you love that woman more than us?!!!"

"Shut up!" he heard a rough voice snapped, the crouching boy figuring it was his father's voice.

"You know what? I'm done with you!!!" he heard his mother exclaimed again before his room's door were opened, his mother immediately taking Kibum in her arms before going down the stairs towards the main door.

"Come back here!" His father yelled after them when they entered their white SUV. His mother putting him in the front seat before bringing the car to life and immediately dashing out of their yard.

"M-Mom.. where are we going?" Kibum quietly asked, whimpering when occasional thunders would broke out from the sky.

"Just somewhere baby..." his mother replied, the car going to a straight pace along with the pit patting of rains that eventually became heavier.

He kept quiet and focused his attention on the window; the rain drops rhythmically falling on the tinted glass.

"Oh God, no..." he heard his Mother mumbling, Kibum looking over her to see his mom's distressed expression, her feet anxiously stepping on the break. Kibum's eyes widened when he saw a bright light flashing at the front, a large truck honking at their direction, the rain misting the front glass, Kibum's little heart skipping a beat when his mother opened the door at his side, pushing him before she maneuvered to the left, the truck passing their car but his Mom...


"Listen here, dirt. You should be happy my family let you stay after your Dad decided to marry another whore. As much as I don't like having a stupid kid to have my parent's attention, I think someone who will do all my homework won't be that hard, right?" The brunette hissed in his ear, his voice lacing with authority as he harshly shoves two fingers in Kibum's head.

The latter biting his lower lip as tears started to form in the back of his eyes.

His mom died that day; the police officers found her body motionless inside the damaged SUV, his Dad not even bothering to find him and instead carried on in his life like nothing happened, marrying the said woman whom his parent were fighting about that night.

Before his tears could fall, he hastily wiped them and bowed at Jonghyun in silent apology before running off, the brunette smirking at Kibum's fearful expression.

After the incident, Jonghyun's mother, a friend of Kibum's mom, took him and gave him a shelter and anything he could ask for. Even Jonghyun's father accepted him and treats him as his own son. Jonghyun's father was a business tycoon known in the field of hotel and restaurant managing while the brunette's mother was a doctor.

They supported him in his education and both him and Jonghyun were studying at one of South Korea's elite school, SM Academy. Although Jonghyun's parents were both kind and warm hearted, their son isn't.

"Listen,"six-year old Jonghyun crossed his arms, raising his brows at Kibum and giving him a hard stare, "I don't know why parents even bother to get you. You're just nothing but a burden here, but since you're here already, I supposed I could use some maid." he smirked.

Kibum looking at him with innocent eyes, not knowing the other's motives.

Since then, Kibum did all the things Jonghyun wanted him to do; homework, school projects, anything. He doesn't complain. Besides, he deserve all of it, right?


xoxo babes~ love yah!


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