Chapter Six

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To Go or Not?


It's the final year in Middle School and the fourteen year old Kibum tries to hurry in arranging all his belongings on his bag as his Imo called him downstairs.

She's on her way to the hospital and she'll be dropping him off at school since Jonghyun went earlier already, practicing football.

"You ready?" Yubin asked once she saw Kibum hurrying down the flight of stairs, bag on one of his shoulders.

"Ne." Kibum smiled when he got off the stairs, following his Imo out of the mansion, waving goodbye at his JinHae-noona at the main door.

"Did you bring your eyeglasses with you?" Yubin asked while buckling her seat belt, Kibum nodding while doing the same thing to himself.

They arrived at the campus half an hour before the first bell would ring, Kibum bidding goodbye to the doctor before proceeding to their classroom.

Once he arrived, he spotted Woohyun laughing with some of their classmates before the said male notice him, lips breaking into an excited smile.

"Kibum!" Woohyun started before sitting at the vacant table in front of the raven, "you heard about our upcoming game with Seoul High, right?"

The raven settled his things before sitting in front of Woohyun, nodding at his question. "Yes...I think. It's the one with the same sched as the football championship, right? This coming Friday?" Kibum asked while cocking his head slightly.

Woohyun is now part of the school's basketball team and this season is where the Interschool Sports Competition took place. The soccer competition has already begun and is now to their final game this coming Friday where students were free to watch and cheer for their respective schools.

"Why are so hyped about it by the way?"

Woohyun grinned before inching closer towards the raven, propping his elbows on Kibum's table. "You'll go to our game, right?"

Kibum scrunched his nose, deep in thought. He doesn't like to be sweaty that's why he doesn't like sports and that includes watching them. But, seeing the look of expectation on Woohyun's face, he suppose could give it a try.

"Okay." He agreed while Woohyun cheered, just as the bell rings, cuing the entrance of the school's football players who were joking with each other, Kibum immediately breaking his stare at them when he saw Jonghyun's emotionless persona, looking bored as ever.

He tried to fight off the weird sensation on his chest as he remember his interactions with Jonghyun recently. As far as Kibum can remember, Jonghyun has been pretty... quiet lately. It seems like he got bored of making Kibum's life miserable, and the latter don't know how to interpret the sudden situation. He would either look at Kibum weirdly once in a while before glancing at another direction. He was glad that Jonghyun stopped on picking on him though and it made their school life easier.

He was also glad that Jonghyun and Woohyun didn't fight anymore though he's not sure if those two consider each other as friends. He mentally shook his head, Nah... Woohyun hate Jonghyun's guts. They would never be friends.

Jonghyun entered the room with a sigh, hands casually on his side pockets while his bag was slung from one shoulder.

Football practices were frequent now more than ever since they only have three days before the final match, their school pursuing to defend their title as the defending champion.

His eyes fall on the back of that Woohyun kid who was leaning his face to Kibum's, a little too close for his liking, elbows propped and all.

Tsk, this brat.

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