Chapter Four

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The next morning, after once again checking for cameras, recording devices and other various traps out of pure paranoia, I look through the closet for something to wear. I would have preferred to wear my own clothes but, seeing as the only clothes I have are now shredded and covered in mud, I have no choice but to change into stranger's clothes. My hands flip through the hangers listlessly, going through the clothing with a bored inner monologue. Too big. Too small. Too yellow. On and on it goes until my fingers land on a familiar texture. I latch onto it and pull out a pair of black leather pants with a wide grin. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. When I tug them on, I find that they fit like a glove. The feel of them on my hips is familiar; it's the one thing I recognize in this cage of strange things. Over the top, I slip on a flowy white tank top. It's a little too big on my small frame but I don't mind. Over that, I layer on a snug black jacket that hugs my curves in a very generous way. A pair of black boots and a mental pep talk later, I'm out the door.

I slip through the facility's halls silently, keeping my eyes glued to the ground when I pass someone. My boots echo in the nearly empty hall, reminding me suddenly of the click of my mother's heels. Even when fighting, Katrina Steel never sacrificed her love of heels for a more comfortable shoe. I shake away the thought, and quicken my pace. Thoughts of my mother are the last thing I need when I'm trying to clear my head.

Finding my destination is harder than I thought it would be. Dax's plan of making it impossible for me to escape worked perfectly because I have no idea if I'm heading in the right direction or even what direction I'm going. So badly, I want to stop and ask someone where the damn cafeteria is but that would be breaking one of Dax and Archer's rules and I have no desire to get interrogated again.

My stomach growls loudly. My hand drops down to the offending body part to silence it before someone hears and I have to be embarrassed. Thankfully, no one's close enough to notice. I continue down my chosen path, taking a right like a couple of witches in front of me do, who are, hopefully, going to breakfast as well. I follow them for a few minutes and, eventually, I make it to the cafeteria. I smile in victory. It's a little after eight -the time Dax said breakfast was to be served- so, naturally, the place is packed.

It smells overwhelmingly of bacon, syrup and morning breath in the spacious room. I make a face at the strange aroma and frown. It's a bit different from the smell of sweat, blood and fear that I'd grown accustomed to growing up in Grimm Haven. I shake my head to clear it of the thoughts of my old home and notice that a table of werewolves are gawking at me. While the gazes are mostly curious and friendly, I still get an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I'm trespassing on their territory. I keep my head down to avoid the stares and grab an apple from the self-serve buffet, avoiding the smiling faces serving the mouth-watering pancakes, bacon and eggs. My stomach growls again, louder this time. Fruit in hand, I turn back towards the tables. Dozens of eyes drop down to their plates. A sigh escapes me.

From across the room, Archer catches my eye. I relax a little bit, relieved to see a familiar -albeit not entirely friendly- face in this sea of strangers. I take a bite from my apple and wink at him. The corner of his mouth quirks up in amusement and I get the feeling that he's holding back a laugh. I feel a smile begin to tug at my own lips, a light feeling chasing out the hesitance and insecurity from my chest. I find it a little hard to drag my eyes away from the hybrid but I manage and walk out of the cafeteria with a small smile on my lips.

"Hey, wait up!" a voice calls out breathlessly.

I stop and look back curiously. She couldn't be talking to me, could she?

Sure enough, the little blonde girl that I'd seen yesterday is barreling down the hallway in my direction, blonde curls flying everywhere. She skids to a stop next to me, a bright smile already in place. I take a step back, eyeing her cautiously.

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