Chapter Eleven

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When I awaken from my forced slumber, I'm confused. The stone walls around me are as unfamiliar to me as the hard mattress beneath me. Alarm buzzes through my system but it's slow and sluggish, a sure sign that the incubus blood is still in my system. A groan escapes my chapped lips. I run my tongue over them, trying in vain to moisten them. I squeeze my eyes shut and do my best to summon even the slightest amount of strength. If only I could use a shapeshifter's strength, or a witch's magic to get these chains off of me, I could find Leilani and get the hell out of this place. The effort goes without reward, however. I've not even a drop of power left in my body.

I stare up at the poorly lit ceiling with reluctance. I guess I'm getting out of here the hard way, then.

Mentally, I search for any advantage I may have. I've no idea how long I've been unconscious or even if this is the same dose of incubus blood in my veins. Not a good sign. I try to move my limbs but all I manage to do is twitch my fingers and toes a little bit. Again, not good. If I can't move, I can't fight and that makes this so much harder. I squeeze my eyes shut and scream a silent curse towards the heavens.

"Viridian," a soft voice says from the other side of the room.

With a tremendous effort, I manage to flop my head to the side to face the voice. Black dots cloud my vision when I do, momentarily blinding me. I blink rapidly, trying to fight off the wave of nausea that accompanies the small movement. It takes a few moments, but eventually my vision clears. Tears of relief fill my eyes as soon as I see the person the voice belongs to.

"Leilani," I croak, letting a few tears escape. All I can think about is that she's alive. He didn't kill her, like I'd feared he would. She's okay. I haven't failed her yet.

I immediately begin to inspect her for any injuries. A few bruises are scattered on her legs and neck, but there are no life-threatening injuries that I can see. The only drastic change in her appearance is the short white dress with long, flowing sleeves that she's been dressed in. The pure color is pristine despite the over-abundance of dirt around us. What is with this guy in white? Once I'm sure that nothing is wrong with her, I meet Leilani's eyes and find them guarded.

"Viridian Steel," she says a little incredulously, her usual warmth and kindness gone.

I freeze. Shit.

She notices how I tense and goes on with an increasing hysteria, "you're Viridian Steel?"

"Yes," I whisper meekly, unable to say more. Fear grips my heart. She knows about me. She knows. I look at her with a sad expression, knowing what must be flashing through her head right about now. All the stories about me, as I'm sure she's heard them, involve blood and violence and cruelty and they're all true.

Leilani pulls her knees closer to her chest as she stares at me with a look of betrayal. The emotion is clear on her kind face -she's an open book, one I'd rather not be reading right now. "You're Fenrir and Katrina Steel's daughter? The one who works for Angelo Octavian?" She pauses, then continues as if the words hurt her, "the stories say you're a monster."

"No!" I protest loudly, then quiet once I realize that Antonio might hear me and set my plan in motion before I have a chance to prepare myself. "I mean, yes, Fenrir and Katrina are my parents. It's true, I'm not Viridian Greene, but I'm not working for Octavian. At least, I'm not anymore. I've been running from him and my parents for the last four years of my life."

Her wide baby blue eyes seem to pierce right into my soul when she stares into my eyes and asks, "and the stories?"

I meet her stare, unblinking. "They're all true."

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