Chapter 3

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"Wow, Japan!" America clapped. "That was off the sizzle, Dude!" he sounded like the announcer. He looked at the other nations. "Who's next?"

The others held out their hands and shook them in protest. They shook their heads, no.

"Aw, c'mon!" America pouted.

Canada raised his hand, but no one noticed he was even there. "Oh, forget it…" he mumbled.

"C'mon, Germany!" Italy gestured, rolling his hand, for him to come closer.

"Nein," Germany crossed his arms. "I refuse to make a fool of myself."

Suddenly, someone shouted out, "I AM AWESOME!" and burst through the doors. Germany face-palmed. It was his ex-nation Dummkopf of a bruder, Prussia.

Prussia pushed Britain off the mat, and picked the fastest and hardest song on the game, choosing the monster mode.

"Ahhh," America held out a finger, but silenced. "Ok, I'll be prepared for awesomeness!"

Smoke and sparks seemed to fly off the mat as Prussia stomped all the steps, getting "Perfect" and "Marvelous". He got all the freeze steps and the air jumps, not missing one. He got a 200 hit combo streak. Like Japan, he rarely returned to the center of the mat. France's face lit up because Prussia was one of his best buddies. They often caused trouble for the other nations, and with Spain, made the Bad Friends Trio.

The announcer was now ignored, but he commented on the awesomeness of Prussia's performance. "Is there an earthquake, cuz this place is crackin'!" and "Good! Good! Keep moving!" and "You're a rock star! You're the only one they came here to see!" and "It doesn't get any better than this!" the virtual crowd kept cheering and Prussia's dance gauge was flashing rainbow. "They're cheering for you and only you, baby!" As the song ended, he stomped on the last step, freezing. He even broke the high score, setting a new awesome record. "AWESOME!"

"Kesesesesesese," Prussia laughed. He walked off the mat, arms up in the air. "Suck it losers!"

Germany took him by the arm and pulled him away, obviously making Germany embarrassed. "Vhat do you zink you are doingk?" he asked, anger in his voice.

"Nozing," Prussia stated. "Just being awesome!"

"Hey," America said. "I just had a great idea!" He pulled out another controller mat and plugged it in. "How 'bout a dance-off between brothers?!"

The nations and Prussia agreed, but Germany said, "Nein! Ve came for ze vorld meetingk and zat's all!"

"Vuss," Prussia provoked him.

Germany resisted the urge to punch his bruder. "Finek. But only one!"

"Kesesesese," Prussia laughed. "You're going down, Vest."

"Ve'll see about zat…" Germany narrowed his eyes.

The competition would have to wait, because the doorbell rang. "That must be the pizza! Hold everything, Dudes! I don't want to miss any of this! Be right back!"

Prussia crossed his arms, leaned back a little, and grinned at his younger brother. Germany met the gaze and crossed his arms. "Vhat do you hope to accomplish?" he asked.

"Your inevitable defeat und utter embarrassment, kesesesesese," Prussia continued to laugh annoying Germany more.

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