Chapter 6|| Disney Movies are the Best Movies

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"How is there nothing good to watch on Netflix?" Nathan said flicking through the Popular Now section. "Do you guys want to see The Hunger Games?"

We all groaned and protested. Seriously, we've just finished the movie. Currently at the moment, Dani is upside down on the couch with her feet in the air, groaning whenever Nathan shouts out a movie. Sebastian is on his phone texting who knows what. 

And that leaves me throwing popcorn at all three of them for my enjoyment.

Dani was trying to catch them upside down, her mouth hanging open. Nathan deserved my popcorn torture for suggesting such ridiculous movies. As for why I'm hitting Sebastian with this tasty goodness, is for him to be more sociable.

"Hey! I have a great idea!" Dani says sitting upright quickly. "Why don't we watch Descendants?" 

I beam at her, ignoring the two guys beside us complaining how it's a girly Disney movie. "That's a great idea! How about you and Sebastian go buy that movie, and Nathan and I will order some more food?"

Dani smile and gave me a thumbs up signalling how she's good with that plan. However, Sebastian looked hesitant about the plan.

"Or," he hesitated, "You and I could go get the movie, while the other two could order food. You did say that you wanted the movie, so get going princess."

At the "endearment" term Sebastian used; Nathan and Dani both raised their eyebrows at me, surprised. 

"Aw, I think someone wants to spend more time with little ol' me." I cooed at Sebastian, pinching his cheeks. 

He gripped my hand and pulled it away from him, "Sure, we'll go with that." He started dragging towards my front door.

"Remember to get my usual order of pizza!" I called out before the door shut in my face. I walk to the passenger side and got in and almost bounced in my seat because I was excited to get the movie.

Sebastian got in the car and saw me grinning from ear to ear, and laughed under his breath. "What are you? A child?" he asked.

I gasped and held a hand to my heart. "I'll have you know mister, just because I'm 17 doesn't mean I'm not a child at heart." I launched into a whole speech on why Disney movies are the best movies in the world.

When Sebastian stopped in the parking lot of a movie store. He leaned over and placed a hand on top of my mouth. I innocently looked up at him. 

"Will you please shut up already?" He said, his hand still covering my mouth, "Just in 10 minutes, I can name all the Disney princesses."

He finally let go of my mouth and got out of the car. I followed after him and smiled, "Good, that means we're finally making progress to make you more likable to girls."

He scoffed, "Like I need help getting girls. You're lucky that I'm even spending time with you." 

When we got to the New Releases aisle, I immediately picked up the movie. I strolled to where Sebastian was looking at a different new release movie, "Princess, we have to get Get Hard." He said picking up the movie. 

I saw the cover of the movie, and thought it was a decent movie. I shrugged my shoulder, "Sure, it looks funny." I saw in the corner of my eye and saw Cinderella and The Fault in Our Stars. I quickly snatched the movies.

By the time we were finished, I think we bought enough movies to last us a whole entire year. We got back into his car and drove back home. During the car ride, we argued about which movie we were watching tonight. I obviously won when I told him that it was my house, so I get to pick. 

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