Chapter 2|| You Have a Nice Face

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The only time it's bad to be a girl is when you have to attend an event. Well, party for this matter. You have to do your hair and makeup, and pick out an amazing outfit that will make all the guys stare at you.

Wait, that's a lie, there are many times that it's bad to be a girl. Let's just say it involves a time of a month that consists of pints after pints of Ben&Jerry's cookie dough ice cream.

Over looking the rule I told you about, I decide on a pair of dark blue denim skinny jeans with a lace-white shirt. Grabbing a jean jacket, because it is winter season, and start tugging my white converse on.

From: Nathan

To: Alina

Hey I'm outside

Throwing my hair in a quick ponytail, I rush down the stairs and grab a spare set of keys. I hope my parents get hom-

Shit! I forgot to tell my parents that I'm going to a party tonight! Pulling my phone quickly out of my pocket, I dial my mom's phone number.

"Hello, Mrs. Goldberg speaking."

"Hey mom, when are you and dad planning to heading home tonight?" I ask her locking the front door before heading towards the car that's parked in front.

"Oh shoot. Did I forget to mention earlier this morning that your dad and I have to go to the cities for an important business trip?" Confusedly I told her a no.

"Well, we have to be there at 8 in the morning and you know how long a trip it is to drive there. Your father and I decided to stay at a hotel there also." My mom tells me.

"Alright, but mom, there's a party at one of my friend's house, do you think I can go to it?" Okay, that might be a little white lie. But technically it is true, sort of. "I might just stay at Dani's house after too."

"That's fine, but don't drink too much. And by too much, I mean you better not drink a drop of alcohol."

"Alright mom, I promise, you and dad have a good time tomorrow. Bye." Hanging up the phone, I see my friends bickering over if pasta is better than pizza.

"I'm telling you! Pasta is definitely better than pizza!"

"Who are you?! I don't even know who you are anymore. If you don't say that pizza is better, then just get out of this car."

"Fine! I will!"

Oh for gosh's sake. Can't they ever get along?

"Guys! Shut up." Pointing my stare at Daniella, "Don't even touch that car handle." Looking over at Nathan, giving him a sheepish look, "Pasta is better than pizza. Guilty, I just had some spaghetti at home."

Laughing at Nathan's horror struck face, I high-five Dani and settle back into my seat.

You might be wondering why my mom and dad are fine with me going to parties. They love me so much, that they trust me enough to act responsible at a party.

Chuckling to myself, even my thoughts make me laugh. I'm just that hilarious.

I'm kidding, they only trust me because they met at a high school party, and their love story went on from there. So it would be a little hypocritical of them to prevent me going to my own so I can find my true love just like my parents.

Yeah, like that's going to happen tonight, I snort.

Feeling the car come to a stop, I look out and see a house, more like mansion. I can already tell that this house has a lot of butlers and maids at their services.

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