Chapter 22

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Giovanni POV

 I awoke to someone's evil laughter. When my vision finally focuses on a man with deep brown eyes black hair and dressed in all black. When he notices that I'm awake his laughter stops and his expression becomes hard.

"Hello there mister Alpha" his monotone voice fills the cell that has a mildew filled walls at the bottom a window with jail bars on the outside and silver chains hanging at the walls and a table that he was leaning on. When I finally snap out of my trance I speak.

"Where am I"

"Probably your death place" He takes slow steps towards me and crouches down so that we are eye level and I spit in his face. He kicks me in the stomach and backs up to the table and he picks up a whip.

"You know its funny how these two did the same thing" I look to my side and now notice Luciano and Kendrick passed out and chained on to the walls. I look back at him as the whip comes back down hard on my skin. I groan loudly as he repeats this for about five times. Then he throws the whip down and punch me repeatedly. I feel the warm liquid trail down my face. Then he goes back to the table and gets a baseball bat.

He beats me senseless  I don't scream though I simply groan or grunt. I know I might have a few broken body parts. He stops after his breath becomes seemingly heavy. "I would keep going but I have asthma" He states I chuckle despite the pain "Yeah Yeah laugh it up" He walks out and I hear the door lock. I try to hold on but again I let sleep welcome me.


This time when I wake up its due to painful electric shocks coursing through my side. I open my eyes and see the man holding a taser against my side. When he finally realizes I'm up five other men come in with tasers. "Get up Alpha boy we have to leave" the man states. The other men remove the chains that were around my neck but keep on the silver ones that were on my wrist. They forcefully pull me up along with a bloody Kendrick and Luciano. They drag us up many flights of stairs occasionally tasering us when we protested.

Another flight of stairs and a door when are on the roof where a helicopter is. They shove us in the helicopter but the man goes back out for about twenty minutes. While waiting a hear a two loud explosion from inside. The man comes back up rushing."Quick Red is here we need to go" the man states and I see Luciano and Kendrick giving each other knowing weak smiles.

"What" I ask their heads heads turn to me but Luciano speaks first

"You'll find out soon enough"

Heaven's POV

We run up the stairs and many twist and turns later we are out on the roof and I seem a glimpse of Giovanni. Good he's still alive but probably not for long. The helicopter begins to lift off and fly to the right but I'm not having it. I run quickly with all the force I have and leap off the edge off the roof. It's like time is slowing down and I have so much fear coursing through my body. I get close enough to the helicopter I grab the landing rails ( A/N 22 Jump Street moment you guys) I let out a sigh of relief and swing my body backwards.

Doing a mini back flip in the air and successfully land on the helicopter floor kneeling with both hands on the ground. Black Demon and the pilot notices my presence and the pilot gets up while Black Demon takes over controls. The pilot punches me in the jaw but I return with a hard punch in his face causing him to double over in pain I take this chance and knee him in the stomach and push him out of the helicopter. While he's falling I shoot him just to make sure he is dead.

I turn my attention back to Black Demon who's already standing up. He punches me in the face causing me to stumble a bit. I'm done with this bullshit and simply shoot him in the foot and I throw my gun down. He falls back and I turn around to Giovanni who looks shocked. I go over to him and help him up then I help Luciano and Kendrick. I notice they try and get out of their handcuffs but hiss in pain.

After getting them out of their handcuffs we began a small conversation. "About time you showed up I thought I was gonna die" Luciano says rubbing his wrists

"Oh shut up I had to jump from a roof and fight some people" I retort they both come and give me a hug mumbling things like thank you and your a life saver. After the hug I turn around and look at Giovanni who's wide eyes are stuck on my stomach. I look down and realize he's staring at my rose tattoo.

"You know the only girl I know who has a tattoo like that is my innocent mute girlfriend Heaven" He says with a humorless chuckle

"Giovanni I'm-" I'm cut off by a sharp pain and a gun shot I turn back around to see Black Demon with my gun in his hand I take my knife out and stab it in his chest killing him instantly. I turn back around but there goes that pain again. I look down to my stomach to see a bullet hole. "Shit" I place my hand on my stomach and take off my mask.

"Heaven....Heaven oh shit oh shit oh shit" Giovanni steps over too me

"I'm fine but I kinda need to land this helicopter right now"

"You know how to land a helicopter" he asks

"Yes" I sit in front of the controls that were set on auto pilot and turn on the ear piece gadget that I had on "Mason Dylan are you there"

"Yeah were here do you have Giovanni" Mason says

"Yeah I got him but meet me at the hospital tell the to go up to the roof and bring I gurney I got shot also blow up that warehouse"

"My pleasure" Dylan says

"Mase and Dylan are hunters too"

"I'll explain later Giovanni" after I said that a large explosion was heard. We looked back and saw a humongous puff of orange and grey smoke. I smiled and the boys looked at me I shrugged and turn back around.


After I landed the helicopter on the hospital roof I was immediately put on a gurney and wheeled into a hospital room.

Giovanni POV

 While we waited for Heaven and by we I mean Rickey, Vincent, Nicki, Jordan, Mason, Dylan, my mom and dad. I was frantically running around and pulling at my hair.

"Mason and Dylan you two are hunters" Nicki asked Mason spoke first

"Yes but-" Mason was cut off by my mom

"Everyone calm down I know for a fact that Heaven will give us a good reason to why she is Red" our heads turn towards my mother

"Mom I never told you that Heaven was Red I just told you she was a hunter how did you know this" I ask as I watch her face go from calm to nervous

"Alright last time when Heaven was in the hospital and I told you all too leave she told me that she was Red and I promised that I wouldn't tell you" she rushed. I swear my mom just acts like a teenager sometimes. I pace frantically once more. Heaven why did you do this? Why?

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