Chapter 23

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Heaven's POV

After they took the bullet out and stitched me up they wheeled me too a different hospital room. The room had the gang and Giovanni's parents. Their heads all shot up when I came in I smiled weakly as they positioned me against the wall. As soon as the nurses left everyone stared at me. I slowly got up but I was pushed back down gently by Giovanni. I sighed deeply.

"Giovanni I'm fine" gasps were heard among the room from Vince, Rickey, Nicki, Jordan and Aiden I rolled my eyes and continued to stand get but pushed softly back down.

"Heaven you were just shot in the stomach you need rest" Giovanni retorted

"Giovanni this is lucky number seven that I have been shot trust me I'm fine" anger seeping through

"Heaven rest please aren't you hurting"

"Hell yeah I'm hurting but I got to get on with my business and life"

"Yeah the business like how you kill for fun and you just happened to save me and my family because you would feel guilty if you didn't"

Anger fueled me I thought he would understand but apparently he doesn't. I got up and stood in his face "Look here yeah I'm a ruthless killer who everybody fears but I don't kill for fun I kill to protect ask Luciano or Kendrick I saved both their asses just like I did yours so if you got a problem with it go to hell and get out and stay out of my life"  I stepped back and see the the pain and regret in his eyes but I just glare at him and go to the bathroom to change out of this hospital gown.

 Before I reached the bathroom I looked back over my shoulder "I can't believe I actually loved you" I went in but not before I heard a howl of pain.

Giovanni POV

When she went in the bathroom I couldn't help but howl in pure pain. I sunk down to the floor with my wolf yelling at me. I always seem to say the wrong things when Heaven is hurt.

"Well I promised Heaven I would say this... YOU IDIOTIC DICKHEAD"  my mother screamed she got up from her chair and pulled me up off the ground and I stared into a deep purple her wolf eyes "How the fuck dare you hurt Heaven that way yeah she's Red and she kills but she doesn't kill for fun she actually killed to save our asses you dipshit Heaven is a good person and yeah she lied from the start but so we all tell lies. Giovanni you are in deep shit right but you better damn well find a way out of it"

"I was actually beginning to feel as if Heaven was my real daughter and you are so lucky Lauren is holding me back because if she wasn't I would've claw your eyes out" My mother well my mothers wolf Scarlett yelled and growled at me. She released me and went over and sat back beside my father her eyes changing from hazel to dark purple.

"Uhm I'm leaving now" Heaven voice spoke I can not get over it honestly not get over it. She changed back into her joggers and crop top but her stomach is still wrapped in bandages. She grabbed the rest of her stuff and through it in a Duffel bag. She threw her bag over her shoulder "Tell anyone about my true identity and I will have no choice but to kill you" with one final glance at everyone she left.


Don't hate me I know its short and I haven't posted in awhile but I've been busy with school and school shopping so sorry.

And I'm also gonna be starting a new story called The Alpha's Four or something like that can any of you guess what its about. And in this book I'm gonna try harder to make the chapters longer and not be as blunt as it was in the beginning of this story.

Also if I decide to write more books than these two more than likely it will be like werewolf stuff maybe switch it up to a human thing once in awhile. So enjoy and if you have read this thanks for sticking with me in this I know it kinda sucks but this is my first story. Thanks LUV you and read on.

One more thing are of you all obsessed with Wattpad like I am because like if I don't read some of Wattpad everyday I kinda feel incomplete is that a problem with anyone else if so at least I'm not the only one.      :) <3

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