Chapter 5: Pasta.

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Well it’s been two full weeks and the plane ride back to New Jersey is going to be long. I was moved from third class to first class because some people went to their concert and they know Frank has a new girl friend Ari and my name is Ariella so they treated me like royalty. Even though I did fight with one of them saying that I wasn’t moving any where just because of whom I’m dating. I refused to sit in first class so the guys and I met up in the middle and toke our seats in second class. Not too many people go to New Jersey so the plane was practically empty. It was nice and quiet. Frank sat beside me after trading with a young woman. She got to sit in first class while Frank sat with me. They were able to seat three seats on one side and the three seats on the other, which leaves room in the isle. In order from the window out went Me, Frank Gerard, Gerard got isle because he was the slowest at getting there. Then Mikey and Ray. Ray had the isle seat because according to the guys he has the bladder of an infant. This was my second time on a plan and it was scarier because I sat at the window. Last time I had an isle seat. I felt the rumble of the engines start. I gripped the closest thing I could grab. Poor Frank. His hand was getting crushed by my nerves and fears. Take off was just minutes away.

“Second time flying?” Frank whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly gasping for air; I never realized that I was holding. A smirk danced across his face as we began to take off. In a way take off was like a roller coaster. It went up really high, and then it turned dramatically. I never let go of Frank’s hand. I watched out the window as the small earth far, far beneath us flew at a snail’s pace. Almost an hour after take off Ray was already asleep, Mikey was watching a movie, Gerard was lost in his drawing and Frank was talking to me in a whisper. I ever so often let out a shaky breathe then inhaled a shaky breathe. My nerves were getting the better of me.

“You okay?” Franked asked in a worried whisper. I faked a smile and nodded ever so slightly. It was almost two in the morning. We had to be at the airport by ten at night and the flight toke off at twelve. “Ari, it’s not good to lie.” Gerard teased not even looking up from his sketch pad. I glared at him.

“Very unhealthy for a relationship.” Gerard added this time gazing up at me with a guilty smirk painted on his face. I sighed then smiled at Gerard. I decided if he was going to be a smart ass, as shall I.

“You are right Gerard! Lying is unhealthy for a relationship.” I staggered with my words a bit.

“The truth is Frank, I am freaking out on the inside, and I really don’t like planes.” I added being cheeky. Gerard was back drawing, acting like he wasn’t paying attention .He   blushed and gave me that cheeky grin. Frank laughed lightly and continued holding my hand. At some point he had fallen asleep as did Mikey. So the only two of us awake right now are Gerard and I.

“You know I can relate to you.” Gerard whispered to me. I looked at him confusedly. I pulled my eye brows together.

“Pardon?” I asked for him to repeat himself. He looked up at me with hazel brown eyes shimmering light. “I can relate to you.” He repeated quietly but clearly. I was still quit lost. What did he mean by that?

“People expect so much from you, its hard express how you feel.” Gerard said putting away his sketch pad.

“When I was fifteen I was held at gun point. The barrel against the back of my head, I was on my knees, hands on my head.” He said sullenly. I could hear his voice squeak a little through pain and misery.

“After that I came out no tears, no fear so people assumed I was a big brave guy and that’s how they used to see me. Until I finally broke down, started crying when I had a dream about it. I was treated differently, like I was a delicate flower that needed to be protected. I don’t know what I am, sometimes when I dream about it I wake up and feel nothing, just numb other times I wake up, lay back down, and curl into a ball and cry.” Gerard said with pain ringing in his voice. Now I know how he can relate to me. He’s talking about labels. He was labelled as the brave one and then the flower like I’m labelled the god gifted one.

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