Chapter 4: Germ phobia and Kissing Virginity.

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Donna and I sat at the dinner table while the guys watched some kind of movie, sounds like a horror film. Donna’s hair was straightened but messy, her green eyes little make up around them. I held Charlotte in my arms rocking her softly. She her soother in her mouth as she faded in and out of sleep. She finally fell asleep and out came the soother landing on the floor with a clatter. She started to wine as I bent over and picked it up. Donna watched in horror as I wiped it on my jeans and popped it back into her mouth. I made a face at her as her expression was grossed out.

“What?” I asked her curiously. She shuttered as her expression was whisked away.

“That was on the floor.” She finally choked with a squeaky tone. I shrugged.

“Yeah. So?” I questioned in a flat voice. She shuttered again at my reply.

“When was the last time you mopped the floors?” She said sullenly. I shook my head and thought.

“Oh, I don’t know. Never.” I replied. I swear she almost fell over, dead. When I told her that.

“Swept?” She questioned with a shocked tone. I once again shook my head at her reply.

“I don’t know, a couple days ago.” I said sullenly.  She leaned in close.

“Do you know how many germs there are on the floor?” She asked in a whispering voice. I shrugged.

“Almost twenty million every square foot.” She whispered adding to her statement. I was wide eyed.

“Alot of those germs can harm your kids, what happens when they start crawling and the lick the floor?” She asked curiously. I slightly jerked Charlie closer to me. I was nervous now for their health.

“What do you think I should do?” I asked leaning in closer to her. She smiled.

“Sweep every day, mop every two weeks, sanitizes their toys every two weeks as well.” She only began the list of things I have to do to keep the twins safe. After a while of talking Donna rounded up Andy, said their Good-Byes and went home. By then it was almost lunch. I went and made something healthy and vegetarian. I sliced up some apples and put them in a bowl and washed them. I added grapes to the mix. I cut up some cheese and crackers. The platter was full of healthy foods by the time I toke it over the coffee table. Ray finally woke up. I brought him a glass of water.

“Thanks.” Ray was always polite; he’s a really nice guy. I sat on the floor again. They were still watching the horror movie. The twins were in their room sleeping, the baby monitor was sitting on the table. This movie was quite good the only problem was, it was really hard to keep up with. We snacked on the fruits and veggies unknowingly. The movie was close to being over. Finally! I swear two and a half hours of trying to keep up this B horror movie, was quite enough for me. I saw out of the corner of my eye Frank get up and walk to the kitchen.

“Hey! What’s this ‘Rock Star’ stuff?” He asked.

“It’s an energy drink.” I replied. The fridge door closed and Frank came back with a 400ml can in his hands. Gerard shook his head.

“What’s up Gee?” I asked. Gerard looked at me and half smirked.

“Last time Frank had an energy drink he was bouncing off the walls.” Gerard said. I herd Frank choked laughing at a memory. I turned to look at them.

“Gee, remember when Mikey and I had tons of energy one night during high school and we tied you to a swivel chair with jump ropes.” Frank laughed a gruff but cheerful laugh. Mikey thought for a moment then began to muffle a small chuckle.

“Dear god I remember that.” Mikey and Gerard said at the same time. Mikey sounded happy while Gee sounded annoyed. Ray smirked trying to contain his laughter. I loved it when they talked about their past, it’s so interesting. They always did something to piss some one off. Weather it’s writing ‘homophobia is gay’ on the chalk board, I was there when that happened. Or when the blasted smashing pumpkins over the intercom. My life was boring. I had no friends, except Donna; we’ve known each other since freshmen year of high school. Donna was the one to always be the shit disturber and I was the one to help her out. Like this one time I was sick and Donna came over to my house and we both downed two bottles of cough medicine and then she decided that we should go through my mom’s wine collection. Yeah so ere I was in the back seat over her car, Donna’s older brother Mac driving us to McDonalds and at a red light a cop car pulls up beside us. Well I had the stupid idea to undo my bra and almost sling shot it. The cops looked at me and shook their heads but at the green light out the window goes the bra and onto the police cruiser. Or this other time Donna was making out with some guy in the girl’s bath room and I had to stand watch. Damn that girl can hold her breathe. I told the guys that story. I watched as they looked. Mikey’s eyes widened. I put two and two together.

“That was you wasn’t it?” I asked with an upbeat tone.  He blushed uncontrollably. Gerard watched his brother intently.

“Okay, I admit it. The boy in the bath room making out with Donna was me.” Mikey looked so ashamed of himself. Then another memory came to me. By the way Mikey looked at me he knew what I was thinking. He leaned forward pointing at me.

“Don’t you dare, tell them about that.” Mikey demanded. Gerard, Ray and Frank leaned in to hear what else I had to say.

“Do tell Ari, do tell.” Gerard requested with an evil grin pulling his lips back into a wide smile. I shook my head. I felt it coming out, oh crap, this is just like mean girls. Word vomit. I tried to hold it back.

“Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!” Gerard, Frank and Ray chanted repeatedly. I was barely able to hold it back. I had to bit my tongue to keep my teeth from telling them, Mikey was Donna’s ‘first’.

“Mikey toke Donna’s kissing virginity.” I announced a lie. Gerard shook his head then got it. Mikey smiled and blushed because I technically just told them what the secrete was. Frank and Ray awed at this cute fact and the image of Donna telling Mikey not to kiss to hard.

“That’s my little brother.” Gerard said patting Mikey’s back hard. Mikey was still blushing.

“Okay you know what. I’m telling the truth.” Mikey announced with annoyance in his voice. Gerard, Frank and Ray leaned in close.

“I was Donna’s first.” He exaggerated on ‘first’.

Frank and Ray thought for a moment then backed up in a light bulb moment. Their faces longed as they cheered Mikey on. I laughed slightly at this accomplishment. Gerard knew what I meant all along.

“I don’t think she even remembers me.” Mikey said sadly. I laughed briefly.

“Well her dad sure does.” I said. “One day she found a My Chemical Romance video on youtube and she played it, her dad came by and watched it. He knew it was you, so he shut the lap top and toke it away from her.” I reminded. Gee laughed slightly as Mikey’s eyes widened in horror.

“But he never walked in on us.” Mikey said. I nodded and smirked evilly.

“The phone was on her bed right, well he was the last person dialled on that phone and you guys pressed redial and he herd every thing, even when she called your name.” I announced. Mikey melted into his seat embarrassed as hell.

“Fuck sakes, I knew I herd some one calling her name.” Mikey muttered sadly. We all laughed at him. But we still love Mikey, even if he redialled a girl’s dad while having sex with her and having her call out your name. Poor Mikey.

The twins were up and having some more tummy time while we talked about embarrassing moments in our lives. These guys are really messes up. So messed up I love it! Apparently there was this one time when Gerard was sleeping and Mikey was able to move him from his bed to the front yard, undress him and tape him to a tree butt naked. And in return Mikey got a new doo with permanent marker. I was a real misfit in my teen years, I remember watching my brothers fight and so I’d do something to the winner or loser of the argument, then they’d blame the other one. I was able to get away with way too much shit. 

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