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Eli: What do we do I told I wouldn't leave and now they are gone I let them down we have to find them
Alice: It's okay you didn't let them down you came and helped me they will understand and okay we'll find them they have to be here some where they couldn't have vanished out of thin air
Eli: Okay let's find them

[They go looking for them. They walk back upstairs near her room. They hear someone coming up from downstairs]

Alice: we need to hide now

[she drags eli into a closet near her room]

Shhhhh you need to stay really quiet she has really good hearing

[frighten he nods his head and try not to breath loud. Alice has her ear up to the door trying to hear who's coming up the stairs]

?: Who knocked down her door and where in the hell did she go. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!

[? storms off trying to find them as soon as ? leaves away they start to calm down they start to whisper]

Eli: I'm getting scared
Alice: I am too I never seen my mom like that
Eli: (louder) what are we going to do?!
Alice: Shhhhh your too loud

[As soon as he said that Alice hears footsteps again it was her mom again]

Alice's Mom: (sarcasticly) Hmmm I wonder where they can be I searched all over but I still can't find them maybe they are in here

[she opens the wrong door right next to them on purpose walks to the other side]

Oh I guess I'm wrong but let me try this one

[Still the wrong door she walks up to the one they are in. Without knowing Alice makes her and Eli invisible right before she opened it they remain dead silent]

Got you now you annoying br... Huh what the I heard someone in here what the hell where are they!?

[She slams the door almost breaking it she heads back down to Derek and Violet. Alice and Eli are back to normal]

Eli: Alice what happen how did she not see us were we invisible?
Alice: I think I panicked and did it without knowing
Eli: Cool it saved us now let's go find them
Alice: I think my mom has them torturing them
Eli: Okay I'm scared now
Alice: Let's make a plan

[Downstairs with Derek, Violet and Alice's Mom]

Alice's Mom: Ahhhhhh I'm pissed off now I'm glad I have two dummies to torture and release my anger

[She stares at both of them an evil grins appears. A smile from ear to ear of just pure evil. They try free themselves but they are still tied up to a wall they were stuck. She laughs and she looks at Derek she grabs a blade she cuts Dereks pants and sleeves to expose his legs and arms. She turns around and heats the blade up. The blade is bright red she walks over to derek and starts cutting him slowly several times on both arms and legs not deep enough for him to bleed out just enough to cause him pain. She watches him as he tries to hold in the pain slowly moving the blade right to left across his arms and legs. He couldn't take it anymore]

Derek: Ahhhh stop please

[Derek is crying in pain and screaming at the top of his lungs she cuts him a few more times and she starts to laugh this laugh was a deep dark evil but then she moves on to Violet because she sees that she is crying too]

Alice's mom: Why in the hell are you crying I haven't done anything to you... yet

[A creepy smile crept along her face as she starts to think of what to do to Violet. With the same bloody blade she used for Derek she cuts the center, the sleeves and the bottom of Violets pretty laced top purple dress to expose her stomach, arms and legs. She turns around and grabs a whip. Teasing Violet with it she drags it across her stomach slowly and across each leg and arm back and forth side to side up and down. Violets muscles begans to twitch because she is so scared. Violet puts her head down so she doesn't have to see anything. She moved the whip under violet's chin making her put her head back up. She moves back down to Violet's arms and whips them right where they were twitching. As Violet tenses up from the pain she holds in a loud scream. She slowly moves the whip down to her legs striking Violet even harder. Violet tensed up more still holding in the scream and now tears.]

Alice's Mom: Awe look who's trying to be a big girl and not cry I'm just getting started with you
Derek: Your an evil bit...

[Before Derek can finished his sentence she strikes him hard in the face with the whip]

Alice's Mom: What did I say shut the hell up!!

[Derek quietly sobs while she continues with violet]

Alice's mom: Now where was I before I was so rudely interrupted!? Oh okay I know

[she moves the whip to her stomach she drags it slowly across her stomach side to side a few times back and forth until out of nowhere she lifts and strikes violet hard]

Violet: Ahhhhhhhhhh

[As she strikes a few more times each time harder and each one of Violet's screams louder and louder with every whip, tears began to poured down her face]

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