the end

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Alice's pov

Derek: Wow... We did it
Violet: I know i cant believe it
Eli: What are we going to do with this witch
Derek: We should burn her
Violet: Or turn her in to the jail
Alice: Please dont talk about her like that
Eli: What... Are you serious shes a horrible person she tormented all of us she taught you bad things and she didnt love you why do you keep defending her
Alice: ...Because for a long time she was my mother and even though her intentions were bad she still took care of me
Derek: Okay then so what should we do with her
Alice: Leave her
Eli: Huh
Alice: We should just leave her
Violet: Okay?? If thats what you want then thats what we will do
Alice: Thanks
Violet's Mom: Why dont we leave now. We need to rest
Violet: Okay mom

They left first and stayed back so i can see my "mom" one last time. As soon as they left the door i went back to her. She looked weak and pale, her hair frizzed up and it turned white. The only pigment on her were her cheeks. She is still breathing so I levitated her on a bed. I walked up to her and put my index and middle finger on her forehead. I took a deep breath in and she started to glow yellow and then it vanished. She was back to normal but i took her powers and wiped her memory clear so she doesnt remember the last 17 years I hope she has fun with her new life

Eli: Alice hurry
Violet: Yea i want to take my new sister home and show her everything
Alice: Okay im on my way

I kiss my mom on the forehead and ran out before fully walking out I whisper
Bye mother love you and ran out

Derek: What took soo long
Violet: Yea i was starting to worry
Alice: Nothing i was just saying my goodbyes thats it
Eli: Then why are you glowing

Narrators pov

Alice was finally transforming now she has all the power she needs she can transform to her true self... A Sunrose Princess, her hair gotten brighter and longer and her dress went from black to yellow. She was beautiful and now she can express her true nature. They headed over to Violet's and now Alice's kingdom. When they got there Violet anxiously pushed her through the big wooden doors and showed her around and to her new room.

After the house tour they all sit in the living room

Alice: So if your my mom how did i end up with my tia
Mom: Well when you were only a few months old. That was when we found out what kingdom we can have and Madison, your tia, found out that she didnt get a kingdom and she got really mad so she tured really dark and took you when you were sleeping. We never seen you since. We tried looking for you but she put a spell on you so we couldnt tell where you were. As soon as i had Violet i thought that i would never find you. I got really depressed and wrote many letters of how i felt and how i thought you would look and your personality nd of how much i love you. I still have the letters if you want to see
Alice: Yes please

Mom comes back with letters

Mom: Here

She hands Alice the letters and she begins to read them

Alice: They are all written on the same day... Why??
Mom: Thats your birthday Alice and i wrote one every year on your birthday. Every year you werent in my arms. Every year i didnt see you grow up
Alice: I love you soo much mom

They huged eachother and cried on eachothers shoulders

Mom: Maybe be should get some rest we all had a long day today
Alice: Yea i think so too
Violet: We should have a sleepover
Eli: Can we
Derek: Please mom
Eli's mom: Well is it alright with you
Violet's mom: I dont care
The Kids: Yay

They didnt do much last night they just passed out one at a time. In the morning they had planned a day just full of catching up and playing games. Everyday after that Drerk, Alice, Violet, and Eli would get together everyday and show Alice around the kingdoms and the rest of the lands. They would play games and talk; they were inseparable. Just one day out of the blue they were hanging out and all of the sudden Alice comes up to them and hugs them. They asked what was that for. She responded while in tears

Alice: Thank you... Thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you for believing me, for bringing me here, for helping me express my true self, for never leaving me afterwards, for not judging me, for protecting me and for being my only family. You guys make my day even when i dont want it to be made. You lift me from my darkest days and rise me up higher on the good days. You opened my eyes to things i wouldnt have dream. I seriously wouldnt know what ill be doing without you guys and i dont want to know. Im blessed to have you in my life and i dont want you to leave anytime I love you guys.

After crying for a few minutes they released from the hug amd continued walking. From that day on they had no problems, they lived in peace and they were all happy in each others presents.

The End

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