:Chapter Eleven:

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[Warning: Language used]

I can't believe that they would say something that they know him enough to say those things to him. Don't they know the saying 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'? I think they just read the summary of his book after looking at the cover then judged it.

I've done this a tons of times and I know that there is something behind those glaring narrowed eyes. And I know his hurt inside. I just have to know why he's hurt.

I ran away from the 'Secret Garden' and I don't know where my feet were taking me. When I know I'm far enough, I stopped and heaved in a bag of air into my lungs and exhaled. Then I roamed my eyes around the place to know where I am right now. After looking around the place, I realized that I'm in front of the gymnasium where the basketball team of our school practices.

I went inside, creeping in first to see if there are anyone inside. And when I finally realized that there's no one inside, I walked towards the stage and lift myself up to take my seat.

I hummed the tune of my favorite song, sang by my favorite singer, Joe Inoue. As I hummed, I have forgotten the irritation I've felt for Ai-chan and Tsuko-chan and thought of saying sorry to the both of them before the bell could ring.

After humming three songs consecutively, the door on the left side of the gymnasium opened, revealing a familiar built of a young man and his hair color. My eyes widen in shock at the sight of a person so I ran to the side of the stage and hid in it's shadows, quietly waiting for the person to leave.

But after quite a time, he didn't leave and just stood there, staring at the hoop in front of him. I peaked and watched him do next. He held the ball up to his face and twirled it on top of his index finger.

Then he ran backwards while dribbling the orange ball using his right hand then dribbling it to his left. He ran towards the hoop with unbelievable speed and shot the ball. He got the ball back and dribbled it again, running backwards and running again with his unbelievable speed before slamming the ball into the hoop.

I was surprised that Haizaki-kun could actually play basketball. Then again, I shrugged the thought off because everyone can play basketball. I kept on watching him run, dribble and shoot. Until he stopped to wipe a sweat falling from his forehead and turn his head to look at where I was.

I backed away, hiding in the shadows of the stage once again, hoping he didn't see me. But then again, I'm wrong.

"Get the fuck out of there or I would be the one to drag you out." Haizaki-kun said, scaring the hell out of me.

A gasp escaped my lips upon hearing his venomous voice. I kept still while my eyes are still opened wide, wishing that he just thought it's all his imagination. But then I heard the squeaking of rubber shoes getting nearer, walking towards where I am hiding. Then the squeaking stopped just three meters away from where I am. I kept quiet, covering my mouth and waited for him to do next.

The squeaking of the shoes continued and stopped one meter away from me. Then he spoke again. "If you really won't come out, I'll rape you here and now."

I haven't realized it, at the moment he said 'rape', I stood up straight and kept quiet, not meeting his gray, narrowed eyes. Haizaki-kun walked towards me, closing the wide gap then grabbed my front shirt, moving me forward.

He glared at me. "I'm getting irritated with you. First you saw me doing my business last Thursday. Dragged me to date you last Saturday. Then followed me yesterday. What the fuck is your deal?"

My cheeks flared when I heard him say 'date' and 'Saturday' and looked away from him, staring at the ground. "The Saturday thing was not a date, for your information. And I have no deals or what so ever with you, Haizaki-kun. Please let go of me because it's almost time."

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