:Chapter Twenty-Three:

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[Warning: Language used]

The last bell rang for the day and everyone stood up as the last subject teacher dismissed us. I had gathered all my things; textbooks, notebooks, and my pencil case were already inside my bag.

"Are you ready, Koki-chan?" Tsuko-chan asked and I nodded, grabbing the strap of my bag. I stood up and found Ai-chan no where to be found.

"Where's Ai-chan?" I asked.

"She said she'll go ahead." Tsuko-chan answered. "Na-chan's waiting for us."

I enthusiastically nodded with a smile. I haven't seen Nagai-kun. I wonder how he is?

I got up from my chair, grabbed the sling of my bag and we finally went on our way. Approaching the gate, the figure of Nagai-kun came into view. He was standing idly with his earphones inserted inside his ears. His golden hair glistened as the sun slowly set down. His emerald irises were ever so focused on his phone, scrolling through who knows what app. He was dashing. It was evident especially when every girl turn their heads to look at him with cheeks tinted in pink and eyes sparkling with awe. It was a shock that Tsuko-chan doesn't find him handsome.

"Na-chan!" Tsuko-chan exclaimed to earn his full attention. It was a shock that Nagai-kun can hear her over his earphones.

Nagai-kun removed his earphones, placed them inside his pocket then beamed us a smile. Tsuko-chan and I jogged towards him, all smiles greeting him a hello.

"Hey," Nagai-kun greeted.

"Hi," I greeted back. As Tsuko-chan chained our arms together, she chained her other free arm with Nagai-kun's and we started walking away, laughter trailing with us.

As our walk was filled with chatters; conversion of different things, I suddenly opened up a topic that could end up us talking about Haizaki-kun.

"Say, Nagai-kun," I started and they turned their attention to me, "are you a member of any club?"

Even though it was out of the blue, he nodded with a smile. "I am."

"What club?"

"Soccer club." He asnwered enthusiastically; his eyes shining with pride of his own club. "But I sometimes help the other clubs when they need a hand."

Now, this peaked my interest. Not just a pretty face but also kind and helpful. I decided to ask more. "Like what clubs?"

He thought of it a bit, his finger rubbing his chin as he hummed before answering. "Tennis, volleyball, baseball, archery, and basketball." Basketball rang inside my ear as my brain slowly took in the word and devised a plan to get a certain ash-head to join the said club. As my mind worked, my ears listened as Nagai-kun continued his list. "There's also the ikebana club, tea ceremony club, calligraphy club, literary club, and the anime and manga research club."

Ai-chan's club that has little to no members? "Why Ai-chan's club?"

"I guess it would be shocking that someone like me helps but the anime and mang research club also needs help, y'know." Nagai-kun explained. "Especially when they particiate in cosplay contests or in the Comiket."

"Comiket?" I gasped in amazement.

"They make their own comics?" Tsuko-chan asked and Nagai-kun nodded.

"Aren't they amazing? They're creative and amazing. Making comics and costumes are really hard work." He chuckled. "They all shine when they do what they love."

And I agree. When Ai-chan rants about anime and manga, she shines. When Tsuko-chan bakes or cooks, she shines. Now that I think about it, when Haizaki-kun plays basketball, he also shines.

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