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When Leigh woke up, it was still day, but the small amount of light that spilled through the front room windows and onto the curtains was an eerie sort of orange. The storm was still in the area and she could hear the rain pelt against the glass and sighed. She couldn't believe she had fallen asleep on Anthony, but then again, she could believe it. It didn't take her long after sitting still to sleep anywhere. He was outrageously warm and comfortable, so she was actually surprised it didn't happen sooner.

Even still, she was a bit embarrassed about the situation until she realized his hand that held the remote in her lap was now loose and the plastic remote had rolled out of his fingers. His breath, even as a metronome, brushed the hair at the top of her head. Anthony had fallen asleep too. Leigh closed her eyes and smiled, allowing herself to enjoy the sensation and the feeling of being curled up with him and a blanket. The football game on the television was turned down so the commentators were only a far-off noise, their expertise and opinions blending into the rainfall and the noise of passing cars that served as the backing track. In lieu of vocals, she heard Anthony's little huffs of breaths, just this side of actual snoring and leagues cuter.

It wasn't until she heard him whisper her name and feel his hand gently rubbing her upper arm that she realized she had fallen back asleep, pulled under by the lullaby of his apartment.

Leigh startled awake, surprised she had let herself fall asleep again.

"Hey, it's alright." He soothed as Leigh took a settling breath into her lungs.

"I didn't realize I fell asleep. I'm sorry." She apologized, sitting up and out of the cocoon of blanket and baseball player. She tucked her hands inside the sleeves of the sweatshirt to counteract the slight chill of his airconditioning.

"It's okay. I might have fallen asleep too." He sounded bashful and Leigh decided to not admit that she knew that.

"It's been a long day, man." Leigh pulled her knees up to her chest and turned so she was sitting against the back of the couch again. She watched as Anthony rubbed his face tiredly. "Does this mean we slept together?"

She held in her laughter until he looked up at her, disbelieving.

"That was so bad." He said, but joining her in laughter.

"I'm not proud." She shrugged shamelessly.

"So, do you have anywhere to be tonight or should we order some food and fire up the entertainment subscription of your choice? You are the guest here." Anthony asked, looking at her through his unfairly thick lashes.

"I am all for that plan. You have to give me a tour of your house though. I haven't complimented you on it yet, but it's really nice."

He smiled, "Well, I had help from my brother and his girlfriend. They're really good at decorating."

Leigh raised her eyebrows, surprised that her initial guess had been so off. So his brother had a knack for interior decorating? The Rizzo brothers: more than meets the eye.

Anthony stood, shedding the blanket around his shoulders and rolling his neck, "I'll give you a tour."

She grinned and followed him as he waved at areas and named them, and when they were at the back of the first floor, Leigh took a moment to admire his kitchen. It looked too clean to be used often, except for a blender on the black granite island and a few dirty pans in the sink.

"Do you cook a lot?" She asked him as he pointed to the laundry room and went to turn around.

"Barely ever. I can't make a small amount of food, my mom taught me how to feed an army. I usually cook when I have a bunch of the guys over." He shrugged, leading her up the stairs. They came to the second floor landing, which was plain, but had a large window that looked out towards the park across the street. The sill below it was wide enough for a person and begged to be made a reading nook. He gestured to the upstairs bathroom, its door ajar, and his bedroom door, which remained closed. There was one more room up here and he stepped inside of it, shrugging again.

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