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Anthony has only been dumbstruck a handful of times in his life and none of them have been because of a woman. When Leigh arrived at his foundation's halloween benefit, there would be no other way for him to put it— he was dumbstruck. It was a black tie event and she had come after her classes but he couldn't tell. Her hair was loose and brushing her bare shoulders, their old hollywood waves teasing him with their softness.

Leigh was a vision in blue. Her dress was a deep blue satin and it hung to the floor in elegant gathers, contouring to her hips and gentle curves, falling to the heels he could hear but not see. She took his breath away. He know, logically, that it was definitely Kate who dressed her but he saw how confident she looked. The straps on her upper arms held her in and she looked flawless as she did when she lounged in his bed in one of his hoodies. She wasn't wearing her glasses and her squint told him she still hadn't gotten contacts but to others, it seemed sultry. Finally, she saw him and he watched her face light up and her lips, painted a deep mauve, stretch into a smile.

Anthony felt like he got hit by a car. He loved her. It seemed as clear as day to him now, lit up by her grin, it seemed obvious.

"I— You look beautiful, Leigh." He stuttered out as she approached him.

She blushed prettily and Anthony couldn't help but smile at her.

"Shut up. Thank you." She said, looking away from him, "You... you're makin' me feel some kind of way."

Anthony glanced down at his tux and shrugged, but caught the look of desire in her eyes and he felt his own face heat up, "Maybe I'll let you tear it off of me later."

Leigh started, then nervously laughed, "Want to know a secret?" Anthony nodded and she continued, "I'm not wearing any underwear."

It was Anthony's turn to startle, "You're a terrible influence on me, bella."

He offered her his arm and they began to stride in step with each other.

"There are some people you need to meet. Mainly my family."

Leigh tried to silently steer them towards where the bar was but Anthony laughed and directed her away, "You've already met one out of four, so."

"And I struck the hell out with her."

"Relax." Anthony assured her, putting a hand on top of hers, where it sat in the crook of his elbow. He lead them to a man and a very pregnant woman.


"Bro," The man turned, looking every bit related to Anthony, just taller and thicker, "Is this Leigh?"

He greeted her with a vigorous handshake as Anthony introduced them, "Leigh, this is Johnny, my brother and Sarah, my sister in law."

The woman pulled Leigh into a hug, her belly hampering her excitement. Anthony watched as Leigh's face relaxed. He knew his brother and Sarah would be exponentially more polite than his mother was, so he made sure to begin with them.

It was clear that Leigh liked them, her tone was light and unguarded in conversation. Soon enough, though, Anthony noticed his parents approaching.

"You must be Leigh!!" His father, John shouted, embracing her with a thump on her satined back, "Tony tells me you're a fan of the game!"

His mother looked displeased but he saw her take in how elegant Leigh looked and her face softened a hair as she listened to Leigh and John bicker playfully about Chicago sports. Leigh continued to look relaxed and Anthony watched as she held her own with his father, who continually yelled. He kept repeating it in his head, I love you, I love you, I love you.

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