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Fact Eleven: Names

Our House probably has the best Pureblood names, not mention they have cool meanings, I mean, Regulus means prince in Latin and is a star, I know Sirius isn't a Slytherin, but he's part of the family. Sirius is the brightest star in Canis Major. Draco means dragon in Latin, and is a constellation. Bellatrix means female warrior in Latin, and is a star in the Orion constellation. Andromeda is the name of a galaxy, as well as a shrub. Narcissa means daffodil, feminine of Narcisse, which comes from the legend of the beautiful Greek youth who became enamored of his own reflection. And those are just a few, frankly my hands getting tried.

Alice means noble. Molly means bitter. Fabian means grower of beans. Gideon means Destroyer One who has a in place of a hand. James means he grasps the heel. Remus is one of the legendary twins Romulus and Remus who founded Rome. Peter means stone.

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