Chapter One

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Embers P.O.V

I woke up with a splitting headache on a hard sorta gravely surface. My eyes felt like they were glued shut, and I was extremely tired. 5 more minutes. I thought in my head.

Even so slowly I opened my eyes. I was sprawled on the ground on the steps of......where was I? Come on, you know this Ember. Ember! That's my name. Im....Ember.....Spark and I'm at the....Death Weapon.....Mister Academy! That's it. What else? Nothing. My mind is
empty. I have no memory, nothing. Only my name and where I was.

Slowly i sat up, immediately regretting my decision as a wave of nausea passes over me and I vomited onto the pavement. I wiped my mouth and looked down at myself. I had an extremely long black braid, half of it was laying on the ground. I was in a simple red crop top and I had black skinny jeans. My red shoes (a/n: they are converse) had small flecks of vomit on them and I had a leather jacket over my crop top. I felt something on my neck and my hand flitted up to feel a choker around my neck.

Slowly I stood and another wave of nausea passed over me but u didn't vomit this time. And when I say slowly I mean SLOWLY. I was going a star per minute, and there were alot. Don't judge me, I felt like horse crap. I was almost at the top when my foot slipped on a stair and I feel backwards, hitting my head on the stairs and blacking out. My only thoughts as my eyes closed were I WAS SO CLOSE.


Slowly my eyes opened to a white celing. The air smelled like cleaning supplies, cotton balls and bandaids. And...blood?! I shot out of my bed staring wildly around the room and winced in pain, curling into a ball as agone ripped through my head.

Once it subsided I gingerly lifted a finger to the back of my head. It had a bandage on it.

"You hit your head pretty hard there." Said a voice.

Startled my head jerked to a coner of the room where a strange man in a lab coat with stiches all across his body and a screw in his head sat know a wheely chair.

"W-What happened?" My voice was sweet, soft and melodious.

"One of our students found you passed out on the stairs of our academy. Speaking of students I told her I would let her see you when you woke up." The man stood a d walked to the door, poking his head outside.

"You can come in now Maka." He said. A girl with two brown pigtails, large green eyes and a coat shoved into the room, and boy with white hair, red eyes and shark like teeth sauntered in behind her. She zoomed to my bed and big smile on her face.

"Hello! I'm Maka." She said and stuck out her hand to me. I took it gingerly.

"I'm Ember." I said. She smiled larger.

"That's a pretty name. That's Soul Eater."she said pointing to the boy behind her.

"You can call me Soul." He said simply. I nodded.

"He's my weapon." I nodded once again. 

"Who's screw-head over there?" I asked. Maka laughed.

"Oh that's Professor Stien." I nodded a third time.

"So Ember, can u tell us why you were passed out on the steps?" Professor Stein asked walking over.

I shook my head, and they looked confused.

"I woke up at the base of the steps only knowing two things." I said. "My name and where I was. If I try to remeber anthing from my past-"

I stopped talking abruptly as my skull was gripped with a searing pain. I screamed and clutched my head and crumpled to the bed, tears forming in my eyes and rushing down my cheeks.

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