Chapter 2

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Embers P.O.V

I was released from the nurses three days later and I made my way through the halls to the front of the school to wait for BlackStar.

I had put my hair in a high, knee length ponytail that fluttered with the wind and I had been given a new set of chlothes. I had on an orange-ish crop top with a black mini skirt and brown combat boots. While I was waiting Maka amd Soul walked up to me.

"Hey Ember! Good to see you up and moving!" Maka smiled.

"Feels good." I said. "I actually feel pretty energized. Which is good, I'll need it for my duel." I smiled.

"You are actually serious about that?!" Maka practicly screeched. "You idiot he could land you back in the nurses office or worse." She said.

"Don't worry Maka. I got a feeling." I said laughing slightly. She sighed.

"He's here." Soul said. "I'll go find Professor Stein." BlackStar's pointy head was just visible coming up the stairs, Tsubaki not far behind. When he saw me his eyes lit up and he vaulted himself to the top of the stairs.

"Ember! Let's duel!" I smiled and nodded dropping onto a stance automaticly. The stance I was in seemed natural, like I had done it before. I wonder....have I-.

I didn't have much time to think because at that moment, Soul came back with Stein and BlackStar flew at me. All at once(everything is diffrent now that I see you. I'm sorry it had to be done) time seemed to slow down and I could see outlines. Outlines of where BlackStar was going to hit. It was all so strange but I knew I had to dodge so I quickly sidestepped and he ended up flipping off the wall and landing in front of me to avoid crashing.

"The new girl has got moves." He said and he came at me again. Once again I could see his move before he did it and I was able to duck underneath his gaurd and punch his stomach with all my might which, turned put to be alot as blood flew from his mouth as he flew backwards onto Tsubaki.

The two hit the wall at the far side of the courtyard. I heard whispers from behind me, we had an audiance. BlackStar stood up wiping the blood from his chin and smiled.

"Awesome! A challange! He started to run forward and again time slowled. I flipped over his back and landed behind him. I went to kick his back but suddenly he turned and grabbed my foot, and slammed me into the bricks with enough force to crack them. I gasped as blood tricked from my mouth.

I stood up and flipped away like a gymnast or something in one fluid movement. Landing, I glanced to the wall of onlookers. Most were students I didn't know, but Kid had showed up sometime during the fight and was watching with with intrest.

"aaaAAAAAAAAA" I heard BlackStar yell as he charged. I ducked under his arms and kicked my foot out tripping him. Then I grabbed him by the collar and sent him flying into the wall.

He slowly peeled down and landed on the ground but got back up quickly. We went on like that for a while, landing hits on each other strong enough to overturnan elephant. The whole time I was thinking where is this coming from? Woah I'm flexible aren't it?

Soon our breathing was ragged, our chests heaving, barely having the strength to stand. Yet somehow I managed to run to him and kick him in the stomach.

He flew like 5 feet and tried to getc back up but failed falling down. I smiled and raised my fist in the air. I had- suddenly a fire split my skull in half- well not literally you know what I mean.

I sank to the ground screaming and clutching my head.Maka ran to me and wrapped her arms around me, rubbing my back. She knew what was going on. But then a voice cut through the pain.

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