Chapter 6

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Hey guys so I know these are typically at the end and they will but I need to explain about this chapter. After talking to my best friend (@animaygirl) who reads my stories, I decided to create a chapter showing the growth of Ember as she grows accustomed to life at the DWMA and comes to terms with the special abilities she seemed to have and the fact that she might never remeber who she is as well as the bonding time with the team. So yea. That's what this is.

It had barely been 2 days since I enrolled in the DWMA and joined Maka's Team snd I already felt like I had been at this place all my life. The team I had joined felt more like my family than a team. I knew if I was going to go into a fight for my life, I would want these people with me.


I started turning my face towards Maka quickly.


"Just making sure you were paying attention. You zoned out there." She said

"Oh I guess I did. Thank-" my sentence was cut off by a knife thuding into the wood beside my head. I squealed and flinched away knocking into Soul. He only chuckled.

"I would appreciate it if you two payed attention in my class. "Professor Stien drawled, pushing his glasses up on his face.

I bowed quickly. "Gomen Professor."

Maka did the same then unlatched the knife from the wood and threw it back at him. He caught it.

"Thank you." He replied and continued with his lesson.

Halfway through the lesson a paper airplane hit the back of my head. I turned around to se Aria who was sitting behind me next to Rowan motioning for me to open it.

I did and inside I saw a note in Aria's neat, curly handwriting.

Don't worry, that scared me too. XP

I smiled and tuned back to the lesson.

After class we all went to the basketball court and played basketball. Unlike in fighting, I am complete crap with sports except for swimming which I love to do, so I simply sat on the bench and studied for Professor Stiens test on Monday while my weapons dominated the court.

They played three games in total before the old lamplights flickered on. Two had been 4 v 5 and the last had been 2 v 7 a.k.a my wepons versus the rest of our team excluding me and they had slayed. The score ended up as 10-3 and I think you can guess who the 10 was. The entire time I was the world's preppyist cheerleader, all thoughts of studying abandoned.

At the end of the day we all decided a movie night was in order so Maka, Soul, BlackStar and Tsubaki went back to their homes to gather their things, promising to meet at Gallows Mansion later.

I still lived with Kid and Lord Death even though I had wepons now. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. The place with all of its crazy symmetrical rooms had become my home. That and there was no telling how I would support all three of us with no source of income all as we hadnt begun doing missions yet.

Everyone else arrived not long after we did, all dressed in their pajamas. Kid, Liz, Patti, Aria, Rowan and I had changed ourselfs. Both Aria and I wore nightgowns. My was orange and her's was a rust-ish color.

Maka and Soul showed up with some weird kid who I couldn't tell the gender of hiding behind them.

"Ember this is Crona." Maka introduced me as they stepped into the threshold of the manor,

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