Chapter 7

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Embers P.O.V

I slowly blinked my eyes open, to be greeted by a stark white celing and the smell of blood and pills.

"I'm back." I croaked horsely.

I heard a laugh from the counter. "I see that."

I turned my head and looked at Professor Stien. "Did I do it?" I asked.

"Huh?" He looked up from whatever he was doing.

"Did I defeat Amaria?"

Stien nodded. "You did extremly well cosidering our information was wrong."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"The witch you fought was hardly weak, you Ember, fought and killed the 3rd most powerful witch we have on record." Stien responded.

Suddenly I sat up quickly my eyes darting around the room. "Where is Kid?! And everyone else."

"They were discharged two days ago. You were by far the worst when it came to injurues. In fact-" the bell rang "-they should be coming now." As he said that the door flew open and Kid appeared in the doorway, gasping for air.

"How is she?!" He gasped.

"Ask her yourself." He said and thrust a thumb at me.

Kid gasped and rushed over to me, enveloping me in a tight hug and resting his head in between my neck and my shoulder.

"Kid...-" I gasped. "Cant... breathe!"

"Oh sorry!" He stepped back and I saw he had tears in his eyes.

"Kid? What's wrong?" I asked and put my fingers underneath his chin and moving his face so I could see it. "You're crying."

He took my hand from under his chin and held it. "I thought...I thought I had lost you. You wouldn't wake up and it had been a week and..." he trailed off.

A week?! I've been out for that long?!

I reached out and wrapped my arms around him in a much softer hug, resting my chin on his shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere." I murmured.

"Aw isn't that cute." I jumped away from Kid, my face turning red.

"Guys! I didn't hear you come in."

Everyone else was here now, Maka, BlackStar, my wepons, Liz Patti, Tsubaki and Soul were standing there. Soul had a smug look on his face.

"What?!" I asked, devensive.

"Nothin." He responded, his grin only widening.

"Liz, Patti, Aria, Rowan, are you guys ok? I know you all took damage." I asked.

"We're fine worry about yourself for once!" Aria responded commandingly. "Honestly."

I laughed. "You will never change will you?"

She shook her head proudly.

She walked towards me and sat on my bed next to me.

"I'm really proud of you Ember!" Maka said. " You took down a really powerful witch!"

"Thanks Maka." I said.

"You must have used a trick or something!" BlackStar yelled. "Only a big star like me could have done something that awesome! What trick did you use?"

"Well...i...I don't know." I responded, confused. "I remeber waking up and Aria and Rowan were there and then I saw Kid get hit and then a bright light and.....nothing." I pressed my hand to my forehead and slumped against Aria as my head was attacked with the burning sensation I hadn't felt in ages.

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