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You are currently on the bus going home and you're sitting next to your friend (y/f/n). You start talking about your exams and sports training until she starts talking about boys.

"So who do you like" (y/f/n) asks.
"Uhh I dunno if I should tell you bc your not good with secrets" you start laughing. She laughs along with you but asks again in a more serious tone.
"Uh well I don't really like anyone but I think jack's cute" you say blushing. You and jack are really good friends but your starting to have feelings for him.

She just looks at you with a smile in her face. "(Y/N) LIKES JACK" she yells out telling everyone in the bus.
You look at her with a shocked expression. "What the hell (y/f/n)" you say embarrassed. She just looks at you still smiling. Jack was sitting in the back where he sits with his other friends. You turn around to see Jack and he just looks at you and smiles. You and Jack were good friends so he had your number.

You received a text from him saying:
hey looser ;)
jack look.. what (y/f/n) said was a lie..
oh what
well I kinda told her to ask you that bc I really like you
don't mess with me G
I'm being serious!
I was thinking of taking you out tonight? maybe around 6..
ohh yeah okay ☺ see you at six then

after your dinner date with jack he asked you to be his girlfriend and you happily said yes


I know this isnt that good but please vote and comment!
and you should also follow me on twitter @harryftomaha
tysm for reading lovelies 💌

Omaha boys imagines & preferencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora