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Lights are flashing. People are dancing and singing. Red cups are scattered everywhere and everyone is smiling. It's great.

I'm dancing with some random people I just met named Murphy and Allie. They're both pretty cool.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and spin around to see a cute, long haired boy smiling at me.


"Hey, what's your name? I haven't seen you around before?"

"Haha yeah, I'm new, and the names Clarke."

"Well, Clarke, I'm Finn. I've got a surprise for you." He held out his hand and I took it, smiling shyly. I look back at Murphy and Allie and they both have concerned looks on their faces. I shrug it off and follow Finn into the woods...

I walk into the woods, wanting to get away from all the people for a bit. I lean against the rough bark of a tree and sigh. Parties are just not my thing I guess. I would much rather just me and my friends at one of our houses. While I'm thinking about these different things, I confuse myself after thinking I heard someone yell "stop!" I shrug it off and continue to think. That's when I hear a scream, and I know something's wrong...


Finn leads me into the woods. I wonder why we're going so far deep into the tall trees. Suddenly, Finn forcefully pushes me into one of the trees and crashes his lips onto mine. I have this pit in my stomach and it takes me a while to realize that the pit is fear. He starts kissing my neck and that's when I yell "Finn! Stop!"

He doesn't stop.

Instead, he pins me to the tree and starts to unbutton my dress. That's when I scream.

All of a sudden, someone comes running towards us and they tackle Finn to the ground. This guy punches Finn multiple times in the face and chest. I just stand the helplessly sobbing against the tree.

After I don't know how long of me watching this person absolutely destroy Finn, he is finally unconscious. My mysterious savior stands up and walks towards me. He embraces me into his arms and let's me cry onto his shirt. After a while of silence, he says:

"I'm Bellamy."

And those are two words that I will never forget.

Guyss! Long time no talk! I've missed you! School's been super busy. Sorry for the long wait. I will try to update every weekend but I can't make any promises:)

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