Chapter Thirty-Four

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Harry's POV

"Woa Louis, what happened to you?" Liam asks when we sit down by some of the others, "You're getting drunk without me now?"

"Actually Payno, yes because you're a drag. So deal with it or go home crying," Louis jokes with slurry words.

"Well, at least you can still manage to be sassy even when you're waisted like that," Liam laughs.

"It's a gift," the boy next to me winks.

Our legs are touching and I am certain that he is doing it on purpose, which I don't mind at all.

"So, what have you guys been up to while you were gone?" Zayn asks off-handedly.

Louis and I look at each other. Even in the dim light, I can see his face pale up a bit. I smile at him encouragingly and bump my knee against his.

"Oh, you know," Ashton chips in, "finding out just how good I am at manipulation. What were you guys up to?"

"We were just talking about Zayn's desperate drive for self-destruction," Calum jokes.

"Manipulation?" Louis asks Ashton quietly, ignoring Calum, while the others start bantering noisily.

"Well, I kinda manipulated you guys into... you know... when I dared Kim to kiss one of us, I expected her to kiss you," Ashton shrugs with a low voice, "I was hoping to get Harry jealous, cos you were already full on jealous by then, pal," he snickers mischievously, "So when Kim kissed Harry instead, I thought my plan had backfired," he pauses to look at both of us, failing to suppress a smile, "but I guess it did work out in the end, didn't it."

"Oh, shut up and stop with that proud grin," Louis grunts unamused.

"So what are we going to do about those sewer rats now?" Michael asks just as we start listening to the others again, referring to the Creepers apparently.

"Don't call them that," Niall says with a frown, "That's what got us into all this mess in the first place."

"Ey, Nialler, I told you that I only want you smiling the whole entire night, remember?" Luke who sits next to him pads him on the back.

"And what do you think will happen?" Nash says with a bored expression on his face. So he is here, too. Joy. "I don't think anyone of us is going to run to other gangs and give them info that would hurt us."

"True. But alright, what are we going to do about the Creepers?" Michael rephrases his question.

Liam shrugs. "Nothing for now," he says, "let's just hope they're too wounded right now to crawl out of their hole any time soon."

"'Specially now that we won't have Niall with the popo anymore, right?" Louis slurrs, yawning excessively. It's amazing that he can still follow the conversation. He looks wasted and tired.

"What? What do you mean not with the police anymore?" Ed raises his head, "I thought he joined to increase your chance on somewhat controlling them. In case one of us gets arrested or something."

The Sparrow captains look at each other knowingly. I know the answer, too. Niall told me today while we were hanging out. He initially joined the cops to monitor them 24/7 while I am their hostage. Now that the plans have changed, Niall is more than happy to quit the job. Before the silence becomes too suspicious, Liam answers calmly. He seems to be the one who is good with words. The one who answers the tricky questions and cleans up the mess behind the other boys. "We simply need him at home more than at the police station right now. I can manage the cops on my own."

Ed cocks his head to the side in suspicion. "That sounded entirely different just a few months ago," he says, "You were pissing your pants at the thought that Niall could not get the job."

Waifs and Strays [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now