Chapter Thirty-Seven

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This story has reached 10,000 fuuucking reads while I was on vacation!!! WTAF That's huge! I can't thank you enough. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I feel very special right now :)

Oh and have you guys heard that Harry and Louis will very probably be at the judges houses on the X Factor this year?!?!?! OMG right? I'll honestly die!! Haha I'm a mess :D but I'll still die. Like can you imagine?! *-*

Okay now here's the new chapter! I hope you'll enjoy :) tell me in the comments please. I love all your feedback :) get's me going ;) x


Niall's POV

"What do you think," Harry asks me and picks up a pair of dark, sparkly boots from next to his and Louis' closet, "should I also take these with me to the camping trip?"

I am helping him pack for a trip that him, Louis, and Evan are about to go on. They are taking some of the younger boys to teach them how to hunt.

I look at the boots with the least weirded-out expression I can manage. "Harold, they are sparkling."

"That's glitter," Harry corrects me, smiling.

I really don't know how to react to that. I wasn't trained for this. What is wrong with the guy? "Oh-kay," I mock realization. I can't help but let out an uncomfortable chuckle.

"Yeah... so?" Harry doesn't seem to notice my slight mystification about his fashion choices.

"Well... um," I begin while trying to come up with something dipolmatic, "whatever," I settle for. I catch sight of his other pair of boots. They are very similar looking, but in a light brownish color. No glitter. "How about those instead, ey? If it gets muddy, at least these won't be completely ruined in the end, yes?"

Harry agrees and stuffs the more toned-down pair of boots into the huge backpack that I am borrowing him for the trip.

"Okay, but what about these shorts?" He says, holding up a pair of bright yellow, very short bathing shorts.


"We might go for a swim," he says in an excusing tone before I can give him an answer.

I sigh, raising an eyebrow. "Dude, you're going on a trip to teach some younger kids how to hunt. It's not a vacation," I explain to him.

"Yeah, about that," Harry frowns and drops his arms to his sides, "Why did Louis choose me to go with him, in the first place? Does he think of me as some exceptionally gifted hunter or something? Because I'm not."

I shrug. "Don't ask me. He usually takes me. Sometimes Zayn, but Liam always frowns upon that because if those two stroll off together, probably all the kids will learn is how to party, drink beer, and draw cocks into the snow with your own piss. But I don't know, maybe Louis wants to teach you, too..."

"Teach me what?" Harry mumbles, seeming lost in thought.

"How to hunt," I clarify.

"Oh," he says and seems to come back to reality, "Oh, no way. I'm not going to hunt."

"Good luck convincing Louis," I scoff, sitting down on his mattress. It is pushed against Louis' mattress. Must've been cold, last night.

"Thanks," Harry smirks, looking at the shorts in his hands and shrugs, "Well, I'll just take them, too. You guys got me all these clothes, might as well use them." He folds them neatly before stuffing them inside the backpack.

"We got you a whole bunch of different kinda clothes, pal. You were the one to pick out the pieces you now own," I say, looking at the sparkling boots again.

Waifs and Strays [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now