Chapter Sixteen

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Hey, so this is another chapter with no Larry interaction but if you get through this chapter there will come a whole lot of Larry and more and more Larry! :)

"I can't believe I have to see your ugly face for the rest of the day, now," Fletcher spits while we drive over to the police station.

"And who's fault is that?" I roll my eyes.

"Yours of course," Fletcher says and a grin forms on his face, showing his yellow teeth, "If someone has a face like yours, I just can't help but to punch it really hard."

"Oh, because you're jealous that I have a face that is at least recognizable as one, I see," I say and smile.

"Oh fuck off, Tomlinson," Pickles butts in. He looks really bad with all the cuts in his face, after my little treatment earlier. "Nobody is jealous of a lousy leader like you are."

"Lousy leader?" I snort and point to his leader, "What about this one? As far as I heard, he didn't lift a finger for the abduction of that boy," I turn to Fletcher again, "Always having other people do your dirty work, right? You're too scared to do things yourself. Quite the leader you are."

"Why get my hands dirty if I have servants to do it?" he asks with a smirk.

I shake my head. "I'm not going to discuss leadership principles with you, Fletcher," I say, "We'll see where it gets you. I wonder what happens to you after they interrogated you. It doesn't look like you're going to be the leader of your gang for a lot longer."

"Yeah, we'll see," Fletcher smiles, "At least we know that we don't really have that boy. We're innocent. Can you say the same thing about yourself?"


Liam's POV

"Officer Payne," my superior's voice makes me pull my gaze away from the paperwork infront of me.

"Yes, Sergeant?"

"Someone has been asking for you," he informs me, "Leather jacket, black hair, funny accent. He's about your age, I guess."

I frown. What does Zayn want here?

"How do you know a guy like that? He looks trouble," Sergeant Giffort continues with a suspicious look on his face.

"I don't even know who you are talking about, Sir," I lie.

"No? Well, he's waiting for you in the foyer," he shrugs and walks away.

I wait until he is out of sight, shove some important files into my desk drawer and hurry down the corridor towards the foyer.

Zayn is leaning against the reception counter, playing with the pen of our receptionist with a bored expression on his face. She seems to be talking to him but he only looks at her for as long as it takes him to give her a smug smile, before he turns away and looks bored again.

I have to admit, he is probably the coolest person that I know. Sometimes I wish I was a bit more like him, but his coolness also makes him reckless at times. I hope it won't get us in trouble someday.

When he sees me, he raises his eyebrows, finally throws the pen back to the woman behind the counter, and walks towards me with urgency.

When he reaches me, he puts his hand on my shoulder and leans in to whisper in my ear.

"Liam, mate, we need you. Louis has gotten into some trouble," he says under his breath.

A frown forms between my eyes. "What did he do now?" I sigh.

"He got arrested."

"He what?" I blurt a little too loud, a lot of people turn their heads.

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