Chapter Three

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I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long! I didn't know you guys were that fast. And then I was sick and I couldn't write either.

Thank you, by the way! Every vote means so much to me. Even more so you're sweet responses. Thanks :)

Now, I hope you'll enjoy Chapter 3!! :)

"You do as we say, understood?" I say for the third time in the past five minutes. He never answered. Just looked back at me all the time, an unreadable expression on his face.

But I won't have it anymore. "Understood?" I say in a harsh tone this time.

Liam, Zayn, and I are all wearing black jeans and black hoodies. We couldn't find masks or anything to cover our faces and we can't affort to cut into our clothes since we barely have enough, so we used some black face paint which one of the girls once stole from the shops for God-knows-what reason.

It's not the best disguise so we try to stay out of the dim light of the small camp fire which illuminates our prisoners face.

It touches his skin lightly and makes it shine in a way that I have never seen before on another person.

It must be some weird expensive stuff that he puts on his face to make the skin look softer, or whatever these fucking rich people do when they have absolutely nothing better to do with their lives.

When Evan and Carlos brought him here, they tied him to one of the only chairs we actually have and we simply pushed the blindfold up to his forehead so we can pull it back down as soon as we're done. The newspaper that Liam got from work is sitting on his lap for everyone to see.

"Understood," Harry mutters, finally.

"There's no need for messing around, anyways," I infrom him. "The video isn't going to be broadcast live, so we're just going to sit here until it's done."

"Understood," he repeats calmly. Why isn't he fazed by our appearances? Or at least angry with us for treating him like this.

Liam is standing behind the camera infront of Harry. He found it uptown in a trash can a while back. He had to fix it up with duct tape because the shell came off completely but it still works and it even has a video option.

Zayn is holding some cards with the message we came up with earlier today at the camp fire.

They both expectantly look back and forth between Harry and I.

"We're going to roll the camera, and you'll say hi to your parents and then read the cards we're going to show you. Nothing else," I say.

Harry looks at me for a moment, then nods.

"Talk!" I demand. I'm getting annoyed by his silence.

"What?" He seems confused.

I roll my eyes in annoyance. "You answer in words," I state.

"Pal..." Liam hums behind the camera, quietly.

When I look at him in anger, he only shrugs his shoulders. "I... just give him a break," he says, holding my gaze.

I know I'm being harsh. But I can't seem to help it. I feel stressed, I need to make sure everything goes smoothly and we get the money and everybody stays save. And seeing the rich guy infront of me, having had the perfect life with comfort and family and everything you could wish for, it just makes me angry.

And then there is something about his constant stare that confuses me. He doesn't look at the other two masked guys. Only me. I'm getting the feeling he can see my face. But no, I'm standing in semi-darkness, I tell myself.

Waifs and Strays [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now