Chapter 11

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"Come on Nicki you can do it" Troy yelled from below her. They were at the park and after finding out Nickis fear of going down poles he pressured her into trying it. Nicki squeezed on to the railing and closed her eyes.

"I cant" She said yelling down below her. Troy threw his hands up in defeat and looked up at her.

"Babe I'll catch you"

"You lie" Nicki said opening her eyes to look down at him.

"I promise" he whispered looking up at her.

She took a breath, closed her eyes tight and she slid down the pole screaming. Troy wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up so she was straddling his waist. Nicki wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her eyes.

"Told you I would catch you ma" Troy whispered in her ear. It was almost 12 and the park was completely empty, it was actually supposed to be locked but that didn't stop them from hopping the fence.

"Thanks" Nicki said putting her feet on the ground. Troy put his arm around her neck and began to walk over to the monkey bars. They sat down on the platform next to it and stared at each other.

"So what is this" Troy asked looking away. Nicki crawled over to where he was sitting to straddle his waist.

"What do you mean"

"Nicki don't play with me like that"

"Well what do you want it to be"

"I wanna be cuffed" Troy said looking at her as she looked away, he used his hand to gently move her face back so she was facing him.

"I don't even know ya last name"

"Troy Carter"

"Nicki Thompson"

"Does that satisfy your question?" Nicki turned to stare him dead in his face.

"Nah I get 3 more"

"Ok fine" Troy placed his ands on her waist and looked at her "Shoot"

"Are you in a gang?"

"Yes but more of a street gang than any other one. I mean yea we do business with people but mostly people who need drug shipments in a fast time. We call ourselves the Royals cause every body thats in the group has a family member whose footstep they're following in. It's kinda like a family legacy. We got chicks and guys in it cause bitches would ride for you while bros would die for you- Im the leader of it so I guess the motto was my idea"

"Do you have family?"

"They where murdered"

"Really?" Her heart dropped as she watched him stare back at her.

Troy stared at her for a while until he burst out laughing "Nah im just fucking with you they died a long time ago- my parents in a car crash, my brother in a jail cell and I never had a sister"

"I'm sorry"

"For what you didn't do nothing"

"Well, still"

Troy nodded and smirked at her.

"Are you a virgin?"

"Nope I lost mines when I was 12"

"Damn" Nicki said placing her hands on his chest.

"Ok, my turn" a mischievous glint appeared in his eye and made her squirm.

"Fine 3 questions go"

"Whats your dads deal?"

"He um, works in the mafia not a family thing. But he goes out of town a lot and always has girls and people he works with over. When he gets back he brings me all these expensive gifts usually clothes which I hate cause he thinks he can buy my affection with meaningless pieces of fabric. But besides all of that he keeps a really close eye on me cause of this problem we had a few years ago"

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