Chapter 21

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Troys POV

Its been a good 5 days since I seen my boy Raheem an a while since i see Nicki. Somethin jus aint right.

"Yo Nastasia" I jogged up to her durin 5th pd. She slammed the locker in my face an turned to face me.

"Yes Troy how can I help ya ass"

"You heard from Nicki"

"Nah last time was a week ago"

"You sure"

"Course im sure her dad aint see her eitha he got every one ah his guards searchin fah her"

"Do me a fav an check me when you see ha"

I ran out the front doors ah the school an down the block. Somethin goin on an I wanna kno wat.

Raheems POV

After I saw Falen across the street from the house a few days ago it got me thinkin why is it dat when she showed up all this shit started happenin. So i followed her after seein my house get blown up an burn to the ground. An a nigga just got him a new pair of vintage Nikes karma a bitch. So after followin Falen I saw her grab a girl from the street an take her to a hotel room. Good thin fah me it was a cheap hotel room an had a emergency exit ladder terrace type shit outside the window. I climbed it an saw Nicki gettin punched in the face hard. I knew I shudda called Troy but his ass would come in here wagin war an that wouldnt save Nicki any sooner. So I called up my boy Chris an told him what happen an he though I was high an shit. He was like there no way Falen would do that so I had this nigga come here an see fah himself. They moved Nicki to a warehouse an as soon as I saw Nicki pass out on the floor blood sorroundin her-g me an Chris grabbed our guns an bust through the warehouse. We took out 20 guys eady an grabbed Nicki in 13 mins tops.

"Yo she loosin lot of blood man wat we gonna do"

"Take her to the hospital"

"Hell no"

"Why not"

"Too many questions"

"Well did your ass go to med school"


I held on to Nicki as Chris made a sharp right turn. Please be home pleade be home. We got to the front door of Marcias house an banged on the door.

"Raheem whats wrong" Marcia added openin the door in her pajamas. We ran past her an put Nicki on the couch.

"Marcia she needs help an we cant take her to the hospital"

Marcia came in the livin room with a emergency kit.

"Give me the peroxide" Chris handed it to her an flinched as she put it over Nickis cuts. "Who is she"

I watched as Marcia spread a blue paste on her cuts than wrap a bandage around her stomach.

"Troys gf" Chris said handing Marcis the tape.

"I though Troy wanted to keep his private life from this life" Marcia spread a blue paste on her face an put gauges on it.

"For this reason exzactly" I looked down at my phone an dialed Troys number.

"Who you callin" Chris looked at me already knowin the answer.

"Troy" I mouthed just before he picked up.

"Raheem I thought you died man where you at"

"Marcias house"

"Why you there for"

"Troy we gotta problem"

"What kind of problem"

"Its a long story man"

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