Chapter 16

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"Yo lets go to the place we went last week" Eria said from the the front seat as she turned up the air conditioner. Stephanie turned over on Nicki's lap to face Eria from backseat.

"That place is so dead come on Eria we want to show her a good time not make her go back to Troy and complain about us"

"We complain about each other in front of him all the time"

"I don't even think he listens to us"

"Real talk I can't count the times I've asked him to buy pizza for the meetings and he never does"

"Bih you know he does that on purpose"

"He never even fills up his fridge when we come over"

"Inconsiderate ass bitch-"

"If you're not driving shut the fuck up" Christina yelled over Stephanie's voice.

Nicki started moving and Stephanie got off her lap.

"Low it down shes sleeping" Stephanie whispered moving hair out of Nicki's face.

"Sorry its just damn yall never shut up like"

"Look lets just decide where we're going ok?"

"Where we always go"

"Yall got cash on you?"

"We got credit cards" Stephanie said pulling out hers and making cashing noises.

"I mean for her" Eria said glancing back at Nicki who was now laying down with her head in Stephanie's lap.

"Look lets not worry about it now"

After a couple minutes of no one talking Eria looked in the back seat noticing that they left Melisa back at Troy's house.

"Raheem get ya friend she think just cause she a girl im not going to slap her"

Melisa continued to stand in front of the flat screen, "How can you go out with that tramp?"

"Melissa you need to chill before he gets full blown angry"

"I don't give a fuck why are you going out with her she's a hoe"

Darren fixed his position on the couch noticing Troys hands turn into fists. Raheem noticed it too and continue to warn her.

"Melissa you're outta line"

"I don't give a fuck Raheem" She yelled at him turning to face Troy, " What are you doing going out with her she's a-"

"Her names Nicki and if you aint get the chance to know her before you judge her than that's your fault. Don't call her something she's not and if you do it one more time, fuck genders I will punch ya ass so hard you'd start thinking I was Muhammad Ali"

Raheem and Darren started laughing on the couch than covered it up with coughing as Melisa glared at them.

"Look I don't understand how you can just do this to Falen-"

"Do what Melisa"

"Go out with another girl"

"Look no one knows what happened between Falen and me except for Falen and me so get outta my business and while you're at it fuck outta my house too"

"Wow" Nicki murmured as they stepped out of the car. "So this is where you guys go when you're bored"

"Even though we're in a gang we are still girls" Eria said smiling as she dragged Nicki to the front doors of the mall.

"Nicki you gotta credit card on you?"

"Yup I got a new one yesterday"Nicki replied moving a piece of hair out of her eyes.

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